HBO’s dramedy “Sex And The City” saw a massively successful, six-year run. Though the show was always hit with ratings, Carrie Bradshaw and company sometimes missed the mark fashion-wise. However, not every outfit proved to be gaudy. In fact, many of Bradshaw’s aesthetics were well-developed—perhaps even “timeless.” Check out these eight great looks.
1. Timeless Teal.
Simple, classic, and iconic. Taken from the show’s best episode, “Valley Of The Twenty-Something Guys,” this dress is simple yet stunning. Uncomplicated, without distinct glamour, the dress still adds vibrancy to the protagonist’s wardrobe. This early look functions as a base that Carrie can later build upon.
2. A Night In Paris.
Seen in the series finale, this ensemble reflects the character’s increasing maturity. Though Bradshaw experiments throughout the show, this piece strikes a nice balance between “flash” and “neutral.” While the jacket carries a certain maturity, the blue dress shows that Bradshaw will always have a little extra “glitter.”
3. Beige, Green, and Yellow — Oh My!Carrie often reminds me of a chemist. Instead of the Period Table, however, this protagonist uses “Vogue” to ground her experiments. Her yellow skirt adds lively color to the darker shades of the top and jacket. Carrie’s aesthetics are the best when she balances her colors and textures. Who knew fashion could be so mathematical?
4. Fur Coat Friendzy
Say what you want — but I think this coat is absolutely timeless. The protagonist wears it throughout the show’s six-season run. It reminds me of fall — just when the leaves turn red and the air gets cold. The length and style definitely reflect the urban setting of “Sex And The City.” It is New York, after all.
5. "A Vogue Idea."
With a new hairstyle and renewed passion for writing, Carrie mixes two New York pastimes: business and fashion. And of course, in this episode, Carrie begins writing for “Vogue.” The outfit sees the writer “trying on” maturity; the ensemble’s elegance represents the character’s steady growth. However, this still a classic Bradshaw touch: stripes. No matter the occasion, this icon will always find a way keep her style fresh and unique.
6. Business Casual.
Carrie knows her jackets, and this look is no exception. Here, Carrie has fun while experimenting with more a more “serious” top. However, this vibrant color makes it “stick out.” Matched with black pants and loafers, Bradshaw gives us an excellent fashion hybrid.
7. Bay Blue.
Trapped on a boat with her now-married ex, Mr. Big, Carrie tries to escape the past in this silky blue dress. This summer aesthetic is perfect for an evening out on the coast.
8. "The Naked Dress."
Bradshaw wears this iconic dress for her column’s photo shoot, which runs on the side of New York bus. Charlotte, one of Carrie’s best friends, dubs it “The Naked Dress.” Seen in every episode’s intro, this dress solidifies Carrie’s role as a glamorous and provocative writer.