Thoughts during 8 a.m. QTM: Quantitative Methods for Business Statistics = B-school math
Every Monday and Wednesday morning I find myself in the same routine struggling to make in to QTM. Yes, it is a job to get out of bed and dressed but having numbers, graphs, and equations hurled at you 30 minutes later makes it that much worse. I wish my biggest struggle was making it to class by 8 a.m. but the fun just starts then.
7:00 a.m. = Wow it is already Monday. This is okay I go to Babson, only four more days until Thursday I can make it.
7:30 a.m. = Did I charge my laptop last night? Where is my charger? I swear it was by my bed. Ah there it is under my mound of dirty clothes.
7:45 a.m. = Why are so many people in line at Dunkin? Is it necessary for you to order an elaborate egg cheese bacon sandwich? I really need my iced coffee, please hurry.
7:55 a.m. = People get to class early, why am I the last one to stumble in, we still have 5 minutes?
8:00 a.m. = Oh another five-question quiz, great way to start my week.
8:03 a.m. = I will defiantly study for this next time.
8:10 a.m. = So minitab I should know this material. Wait, the girl next to me has no clue either, I can stop hitting the panic button.
8:16 a.m. = Why did I take calculus in high school, instead of statistics? Might be my biggest regret…well definitely one of them.
8:27 a.m. = No, I’m almost finished with my iced coffee. I have to slowly savor this last bit before I crash.
8:43 a.m. = Can my professor please slow down? I cannot click this fast.
8:46 a.m. = Back in minicab really?
8:58 a.m. = Survey time. OK, this will give my head a break. How much time do you spend on Facebook a day? I cannot say the actual amount, people will judge me. Uh maybe 15 minutes, that seems good. Wait the girl in front said 5 minutes. Is that a better answer? Screw it, 15 minutes is enough of a white lie.
9:03 a.m. = I spend the most time out of everyone? Wow all you liars.
9:10 a.m. = Hour and thirty-five minute classes, Babo you are killing me.
9:16 a.m. = Group work OK, hi, I’ve definitely seen two of you before.
9:19 a.m. = So does anyone want to help the helpless girl struggling to create a pareto table, or are you guys just gonna leave me here?
9:21 a.m. = 14 glorious minutes left.
9:30 a.m. = Finished my table, huge thanks to the two people in my group who understand what is going on.
9:35 a.m. = What just happened?
Like clockwork I find myself back in the same scenario 46 hours laters. Maybe one day I will understand QTM, or maybe one day I will make it through class without a coffee, but until then I will stick to this regimen.