So, 8 am classes huh? They sound like the best decision you can make in your college career because, after class, you have the entire day to yourself! Sounds wonderful until the semester begins and all your positive thoughts start to crumble down. That's right. 8 am classes are hell. Only the strong survive.
1. 7:00 am - Alarm Goes Off.
You sigh. The dang alarm clock interrupted your sleep AGAIN. Is class really worth it?
2. 7:25 am - Alright, it's TIME.
This is about the time you remember attendance is mandatory. You get up and everything just starts to crash.
3. 7:35 am - Self-Interrogation.
As you commute to class you begin to question the person you thought you were when you registered for this 8 am class. Did you really think you were Superman? Wonder woman? Why didn't you listen to them? Why didn't you listen to yourself?
4. 8:00 am - Resting B*tch face in full effect.
You sit down. You look around. Nobody is having it except for that one kid in the front who is thriving. You, are not thriving.
5. 8:15 am - Why is time passing by so slow?
How has it only been 15 minutes. It feel like an eternity.
6. 8:25 am - Okay. 10 minutes, 5 more times.
Okay. Okay. You can get through this.
7. 8:35 am - Wait, what are we talking about?
What class is this again? Do you know what we are talking about? I'm so confused.
8. 9:00 am - It's not that bad!
Omg! It's 9 am already? This isn't so bad. Your coffee just kicked in and your living! Only 15 more minutes to go!
9. 9:10 am - I love 8 am classes.
You enter a state of confusion at this time. You start to appreciate 8 am classes because now the rest of your day is open. Is it love? Is it lust?
10. 9:15 am - OK, You need a NAP.
You start to convince yourself that it's been a rough morning. You deserve a nap. You hyper yourself up. Yes, a nap it is!