After a long, hot summer, the first winter breeze is a refreshing sign of fall and winter's return. Anxious for the cold weather, old favorites are brought out of the closet and dusted off after a half year of rest. With fast fashion companies churning out 40+ micro-seasons, trends are rapidly coming and going out of style. Be that as it may, no tween clothing store nor Instagram baddie can deny that these fall/winter staples are anything but timeless. These wardrobe essentials have been worn throughout the decades, adorned by our favorite actors and actresses, and continue to stay fresh.
The Trench Coat
Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly in the classic, Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
The Leather Jacket

Anne Hathaway as Andy Sachs in The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
The Turtleneck Sweater
Courtney Cox as Monica Gellar in Friends (1994-2004)
Hannah Simone as Cece Parekh in New Girl (2011-)
The Dark Ensemble
Ally Sheedy as Allison Reynolds in The Breakfast Club (1985)
These looks are not just timeless, but also androgynous and easy to find in thrift shops. I suggest you consider these trend-proof staples before you purchase clear pants or another bodysuit. They have passed the test of time and I assure you, they will last for many more decades to come.