To say my senior year has been what I expected would be equivalent to me telling you that I really believed that Donald Trump would be my president come 2017. Crazy right? (But that is not what I want this post to be about.) I thought this year would be somewhat of a breeze and that I would effectively be able to claim senior-itis, the luxury of enjoying your senior year of high school or college without a care in the world. This is absolutely false. I am busier than I have ever been. When I cross something off my to-do list, I just add something else to the list. Now, I can only blame myself for this because I thought it would be a great idea to immerse myself in things that would look great on my resume. Hey, I am graduating in May, employees don't want a slacker—it's not good for business. But ya'll! I am struggling to stay sane. I have a teacher that seems to pick up on these vibes and constantly talks about self-care this and self-care that, but there is simply not enough hours in the day for me to focus on self-care. I am constantly looking at a screen of some sort or wrIting something for either class or for work because that seems to be the career that I thought I would be good at. Needless to say, I think the stress is starting to show even though I try hard to hide it. Thanksgiving Break can’t come soon enough. To say that I am looking forward to it would be an understatement. My only fear is that it will be over too soon (I will also probably freak out about life and start applying to jobs as well—so there’s that).
Getting the news on Tuesday only further complicates things in my life and adds on to my downward spiral. I can only say that I am anxious so many times. All everyone wants to do is talk about how we feel, but I would rather just pretend that it didn’t happen (#NotMyPresident)! I am curious to see what DT (what I call him) has in store for us. I am hoping that I am thinking the worse and that maybe he won’t ruin America, that is what the checks and balance system is for after all. But if he does decide to go through with the BS that came out of his mouth during his campaign, I am seriously thinking about applying to jobs in Canada after graduation. In all honesty, right now, I just need some words of encouragement because this news has really set me off balance. If I thought I was bad before, lord, just picture me now. I am a mess.
I think the only thing that I can do right now is simply to unplug. I am about to delete all social media (because I am tired of seeing DT on my timeline, journal away all my feelings, go to church, drink a lot of coffee and wine, and reflect like crazy. And this article is only the beginning. I hope I haven't bored you guys to sleep with the shenanigans that I deal with. But anyhoo, if I did, I am sure you are not even reading this statement.
Be blessed.