Out of nowhere, it began to snow and sleet; everything quickly became ice. Then it was like a slow motion video.
A car slid in front of my mom's car then back into their lane, but instead of gaining control, you heard a loud crash. The type of sound that makes you sick to your stomach. One second the car was next to us; the next second it was in the air and flipped upside down over the guard rail.
That was the first time I have ever witnessed an accident. We immediately pulled over to call 911. I was scared, upset, and worried. I was thankful it wasn't my mom and me because it almost was, but I felt helpless for the other driver. It was too bad out to get across the highway to help the guy. The cars on the highway just sped on by without a care. I was completely shocked and disgusted with how they continued to speed in this weather after passing such a terrible accident. Do they think it won't happen to them? Let me reassure you, it can.
It felt like forever until the police and ambulances got there. My mom and I didn't know the drivers condition and if there was anyone else in the car with him. I just was completely shocked at what I just saw.
You see accidents and things all the time on T.V., but to see it in person and know that someone's life is actually in danger is completely different. I know unfortunately that probably won't be the last one I see, but I've never seen anything like it before and it shook me.
I know it's "uncool" to preach safe driving, but I'm preaching. Your life and the lives of those driving around you matter. I can't even stress this enough. It really opens up your eyes when you see how quick someone's life can be taken. I know I prayed for the man from the second it happened and thought about it the rest of my day. I'll never, ever forget the scene. I was stunned that it just happened right in front of me and that he depended on my mom and me stopping to call 911. The worst part is not knowing what happened, or if he was okay, or if he had anyone to help him through after. I felt completely helpless as I did the only thing I could, hope for the best. My life flashed before my eyes and now someone else's is hanging in the balance.