"Do not let hardships scare you from your battle. Fight through it, the victory will be more glorious."
If you look at the quote above, you're probably thinking that whoever made this is probably a high strung determined person. Well, thank you for the compliment, and yes, that is true. I am a person who is never satisfied with my progress, therefore, will try to overload myself with work or accomplishments to compensate for what I feel is missing. So where am I going with this? Well, I am going to take the time to talk about the overachievers and their downfall. Usually, "overachievers" and "downfall" would not be in the same sentence, but I take the pleasure in informing you that they should. This little issue here can be traced back to Greek mythology, of Daedalus and Icarus.
Feel a mythology lesson coming on? You should because here it goes. Daedalus and Icarus were father and son; Daedalus, the father, had created wings made of wax for him and his son to fly. However, Daedalus had warned Icarus to not fly too high or else his wings would melt. Icarus did not take heed and he flew too close to the sun and the wings melted causing him to fall to his death. Tragic story right? Although this interesting myth in itself there is more close examination of the character, Icarus. Was he a disobedient son? Or someone with high and unachievable aspirations? Many have seen Icarus as a person who wanted to go far but did not have the means to do so. The term Icarus Complex has been defined as an over ambitious character type whose spiritual ambition exceeds their personality limits. So this indeed can lead to the downfall of an overachiever.
So I am going to get a little personal with you. When I first began college I had the intention of graduating with a Criminal Justice degree within the four years of my attendance. I have strayed away from this goal and now how to accomplish attaining a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice, English with Creative Writing and Literature emphasis, and a Psychology minor. I am enrolled in the honors program, been inducted to Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice Honor Society), which I am now the secretary. In addition, to this I am a team member of the PR group the an English club on campus. I also have intentions on forming a English honor society on campus and joining the Psychology honor society. It's worth mentioning that this is just my school life. This may sound great, but no one knows about the time I fell. No one knows of the time that I flew too close to the sun that my wings melted. It was all when I thought that I can achieve so many things at once but I found that I did not have the qualifications to do so like forming a club. In reality, I had never really been in a club so I had no idea how to organize one. Yet this still put me in a slump for a whole semester, causing me to slip in my grades and become a real "Debby downer." Even though I am passed this Erebus I am in constant fear of falling again, but this does not stop me from trying to fly too close sun though.