Every day that we wake up, there are constant thoughts rambling on throughout our minds about what our daily obligations are and how to accomplish as much as possible. We have become victim to the belief that in order to be as successful and happy as possible, our measure of this rests on how much we get done in a day, and about using every drop of time in the most "efficient" way. We allow our natural sources of happiness and contentment to be ignored, and replaced by trying to feel accomplished after we finish a list. Has everyone forgotten the phrase, "Stop and smell the roses"?
We spend so much time as a society on trying to be bigger and better, all the time, which is not always a bad thing. But, we put too much into trying that we forget to care for ourselves, we forget what it's like to just lay tranquilly in a daze to let ourselves recharge. By allowing ourselves and our minds to constantly run without taking a breath every once in awhile takes away from the fulfillment and purpose we strive to get out of our lives. How is someone supposed to reach fulfillment throughout a work day if they are just going through the motions to reach a supposed quota? What is the point of going to school if you aren't absorbing what you're learning because you've been getting a maximum of five hours of sleep each night? It's time to take care of ourselves and indulge in nothingness every once in awhile.
Today, after you're done with school, work, or what you feel is important at the time, do something solely for you in the moment. Do not worry about the you in the future, whether that be tomorrow or five years down the road. Grab a good book and a blanket and go to a local park. Take a stroll to get coffee, sit and people watch. Maybe take a walk. Go order that pizza. Take a nap! Listen to some new music. Do something strictly for the you in the present, not the you that is worrying about that huge paper due in a week or your work meeting tomorrow. Take just a few minutes out of each day to recharge your personal battery, re-up on inspiration, and gain appreciation. You won't regret it.