Since it is the start of 2018, I have something to say that we all have been waiting to hear. It's okay to cut people out of your life that don't belong in it. I know it sounds rude and is a very blunt statement, but it's time we start thinking about ourselves.
There are people in your life that have probably already come to mind, and there are people that haven't. I say this statement because some people don't deserve you, and some people don't appreciate you and the things you do for them. So, since it is a new year, that means change. It is time to make a change.
Surround yourself with people who make you a better person, and motivate you to achieve each and every goal you may have in life. Do not keep those around that bring you down just because they are not where they want to be in life. It is okay to move on from past relationships that may have hurt you. It is okay to let go and start fresh. Yes, you will always be there for those who have ever been a part of your life, but it does not mean you need to keep them in it just because they've been there for so long. Make room for new people who can impact your life in amazing ways, there are so many people you haven't even met yet that are going to do that. Time changes everything and tells you who people really are. Time shows you that you do not need a huge group of friends just to live a happy life, just a few who genuinely care about you and your well being and happiness.
The other day I found a quote that really changed my aspect on the way I thought about my life. The quote was by Meggan Roxanne and it said, “Please don’t jeopardize your well-being by choosing to remain loyal to those who constantly drain your energy”. This really made me think about the people in my life, and who treats me right. I myself have had a share of friends who have not treated me as an equal in the past. I would waste my days, giving them all of my attention and was always there for them, just to receive none of it in return. No one is better than another. That is something I think our generation truly forgets. Everyone is fighting their own battles, whether you know it or not. Being nice and a good genuine friend is not tough. It is something simple, and is something that will take you much farther in life. It is sad when I look back on some of the ways people treated me, but I see that I have moved on to bigger and better things, and they are still stuck in that old personality.
Putting yourself first is the most important thing, and it will benefit you in so many ways. You will be much happier when everyone you surround yourself with makes you smile and laugh. It will keep your mindset positive. You will never look down on yourself again, or question what you are capable of. Like I said, it is a new year and it is important to always remember that no matter who you talk about, they are REAL people, and they have REAL feelings. My advice to everyone reading this is to say something kind, anytime you think you want to say something rude.
So I challenge you all to re-evaluate your life and think about who truly deserves to be in it, and who will make you the best person you can be.