It’s the most magical time of the year again! Woohoo!
Let the gift giving and caroling begin! Bring on the secret Santa, eggnog, and movie marathons! Time to start dreaming about that green Christmas...
Yep. You heard me.
Did you know that between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, the amount of household waste in the United States increases about 25 percent?
That is about 1 million extra tons of waste to our landfill people!!
This year, let us aim for a GREENER holiday season. How?
1. Gift-wrapping/Packaging
Make a commitment to not buy any ribbons or wrapping paper this year. Use the wrapping paper options that you already have at home! Instead of wrapping paper, try using old maps, newspapers, magazines, calendars, old book pages, and photos. Reuse boxes and bags. Instead of bows, decorate your gifts with a sprig of holly on top, dried flowers, pinecones, or shoelaces!
"If every familyreused just two feet of holiday ribbon, the 38,000 miles of ribbon saved could tie a bow around the entire planet."
2. Go Digital- E-Cards!
There is a large variety of websites that offer convenient, waste-free, electronic holiday cards.
**Did you know that each year in the U.S, an estimated 2.6 billion holiday cards are sold? This is enough to fill a football field ten stories high.
We would save 50,000 cubic yards of paper if we each sent one less card.
3. Eliminate Food Waste
At your holiday parties, opt for serving finger foods to minimize the need for plate or utensil use.Donate your leftover food to local food banks or compost!
"More than 28 billion pounds of food are thrown out each year, equating to approximately 100 pounds per person."
4. Trees
Living trees can continue to live after your done with them. How? Replant them or donate them to be replanted. Contact RecycleWorks at 1-888-442-2666 for donating locations.
Buy a potted Christmas tree with a root ball that is native to your area.
** Opt out of the tinsel or any plastic decorations. String together popcorn, old jewelry, toys, etc.
5. Energy
Use energy efficient lighting solutions such as LED outdoor holiday lights. They require 1/50th of the electricity of conventional lights and last 20-30 years.
Put your lights on a timer and only have them on when someone is home.
Energy Star light emitting diode lights are 90 percent more efficient than traditional Christmas lights. They also last longer!
6. Gift Shopping
Give gifts made with recycled content, that are produced locally, are fair-trade or organic.
Shop at nearby places ( farmers markets, local stores,etc.)
Make your own gifts: Baked goods, jams and jellies, spice mixes. Crochet hats,mittens or knit something!
Don't forget to bring your own reusable bags while holiday shopping!
This year, I'm wishing for an adventure-filled, stress-free, magical, meditative, eco-friendly, healthy & happy new year!
Sending lots of love and light your way always,