As a child, daughter, college student, and aspiring attorney; I along with many other young adults my age have found myself attempting to meet every single expectation which has been forced upon me. Expectations, and more importantly high expectations: are suffocating, for everyone who is a part of your life seems to want you to be the person who they want you to be. To me, the idea and apparent reality to this are extremely hurtful, because the people who love and care for you also want you to live to be someone who you're not. Expectations such as good grades, and the pressure to get accepted into an a credible university is one thing; but expectations to who you and how you are to act, are so incredibly demanding. I know that I am not the only person who has felt and continues to feel this way, but I want to express that telling someone who to be is complete bull.
In my opinion, if you love someone you should never force them to be someone who they're not. I have had this done to me from numerous parties, and it is so hurtful. To have someone who is supposed to care for you, but tells you that you need to change because they "don't like" who you are is the worst feeling in the world. I am a strong believer in that every single person in this world is created, and shaped into who they are because that is who they are created to be. That being said, not every person in this world is going to like you, and heck maybe you'll be hated too. Sure, every person has flaws and unlovable qualities but that is what makes them whole! To be a perfect person is impossible, and to have someone demand that you change is so ignorant. If someone wants you to be who you're not, they're the one who needs to accept that their actions are wrong.
The expectation to be an ideal human for someone else is an extremely emotional, and stressful one. To have a loved one compare, and expect you to be their ideal person is one of the most hurtful experiences; for you never feel like anything you do is good enough. My advice for anyone going through this would be to stick to who you are because that is one of the most important virtues in life. To be a genuine wholesome person is so important in a society filled with unrealistic expectations; especially image expectations. I also urge those who place these unwanted expectations upon others to realize that you need to love those for who they are, because would you want someone criticizing all of your thoughts and flaws? It's time to learn to spread acceptance, and love people for who they are, not for who they're not.