Life can become tedious sometimes. You fall into a routine, and become bored, day in and day out doing the same thing can become exhausting. Going to school, then work, or a sports practice every day can sometimes feel monotonous, and after a while you don't really understand why you're doing it. You've become bored and you need to fall in love with your life again.
It's so important to take a break and do something for you once in a while. Take a break, take a trip, and make some memories. In 20 years you won't want to be talking about how many hours you could work in a week, you want to be talking about that road trip you took with your friends and saw the sun rise from the mountains and laughed until you couldn't breath the whole time.
As a college student it is so easy to get stuck in this boring routine. Since you don't have much money to begin with you have to spend your whole summer and school breaks working, and you can't just skip class for a week or you'll get behind. But you still need to take the time to do what makes you happy. Sure going to bars and parties is fun at the end of a long week but even that can start to get old quick. I promise you if you take a weekend off and go on a little road trip you aren't going to miss the parties that happened while you were gone.
Plan something, don't think about it, don't think about the money you'll need to spend, don't think about what you'll be missing if you do something for yourself, just do it. Go with some friends, go alone, do whatever it takes to recharge before you completely burn out. Life is way too short to not go out and do the things you want to do. Traveling and experiencing new things can be addicting, but is that really such a bad addiction to have?