If you're not up-to-date on the news and you haven't heard about Trump's latest executive order, here's a quick synopsis:
On January 27, 2017, only one week after his inauguration, Trump issued an order that temporarily prohibits travel into the United States for 90 days from the following seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. It is no question that each of these countries are majority-Muslim. This order also suspended entry of all refugees for 120 days and stopped entry of Syrian refugees indefinitely. Trump has received a lot of criticism, to which he has responded by claiming this is not a "Muslim ban," rather, it is in the best interest of protecting our country from terrorism.
This is not necessarily a political post. I don't want to talk about whether or not this is a "Muslim ban" in particular. I don't want to compare it to previous executive orders that were sent out by Obama, or any other president.
I want to talk about the hate that is dividing our country.
Backlash to this order has been severe to say the least. Airports quickly became packed with protestors filling the air with signs and lawyers offering legal advice. Protests occurred all over the country including the major cities of New York, Chicago, Washington, DC, Detroit, Seattle, Houston, and more.
Regardless as to whether or not this ban was targeted exclusively against Muslims, it cannot be ignored that they feel the heat of this order. And people are not afraid to stand up for them.
It seems that everyday there is a new protest against something political. Protestors are angry because they feel their rights being threatened, and those who choose not to protest are angry that there are people out there who are being active in letting their voices be heard. Even on social media these fights are escalating, friendships are threatened and hate is undeniably being spread.
We are a country divided, yet we stand and salute our flag with our hands to our hearts pledging that we are "indivisible."
"America is the greatest country in the world," -- I'm sure you've heard it before. But if this is really the best country out there, I feel extremely sad for everyone else. Right now, this country is filled with hate -- whether that be directed towards a certain race, religion, sexuality, gender, or our new president (or coming from our new president).
It is more important in this time that we stand together as one country rather than spend time arguing with one another. It doesn't matter if you are democrat or republican, if you voted for Trump or Clinton, if you are black or white, male or female, Muslim or Christian, homosexual or heterosexual, a natural-born U.S. citizen or an immigrant.
We are ALL human.
We are ALL immigrants.
It's time we stand together for ALL of our people and show what a united nation is actually supposed to look like. That goes for you too, Mr. President.
So what does this mean?
It means support your homosexual neighbor. Support those suffering in countries under attack. Support the lady in the grocery store wearing a hijab. Support those marching for their rights and their freedom.
Remember that at the basis of it all, we are all simply humans. Even the men in suits who sit in an oval office and try to make the best decisions for an entire nation of people. In the end, it is the people who will shape America, so let's do it together. But let's do it respectfully.
As Ellen Degeneres always says, "Be kind to one another."
The only way we're going to see change in this world, is if we make a change.