It is so hard to love ourselves, especially this day in age. We are constantly seeing a certain body type portrayed in the media, and we are told we have to fit into a certain size to be considered beautiful. I'm not just directing this at women, either. Men are told if they aren't built like a brick house they aren't attractive. I don't get it because we are all so different. There are no two body types who are the same. Not to mention, if you are small and petite, you are constantly told how ridiculous it is that you are that way. There doesn't seem to be a size that people don't say something about. As humans of all different shapes and sizes, we should stop looking at others to determine our own beauty.
I have been that person who constantly complains about my weight, my skin, my hair, or the clothes hanging in my closet. Honestly, I think it's human to critic ourselves harder than we do others, but what a silly thing to be hard on ourselves about. Sure, I can work out, buy skin care products, or buy new clothes, but I can't buy happiness for myself. I decided not too long ago to try and focus my time and energy on my relationships, my job, my faith, and on the things in life that matter. I still want to be healthy but because I want to– not because I feel I have to.
The most important reason we need to love ourselves is because if we don't, then we won't accept love from others. Some people will continually put others first and never take a moment for themselves. Selflessness is something that I admire, but we can't neglect ourselves to make others happy.
A lot of the time I see how others stay in toxic relationships because that's what they think they deserve. They don't feel like they can achieve anymore happiness than they have, and that's the farthest thing from the truth. We are all deserving of our fairy tale ending or our knight in shining armor. If someone is taking away the love you feel for yourself, then that isn't a person who deserves to be in your presence. There are too many people who are saying we should all look a certain way, so surround yourself with people who are telling you to be different.
Find beauty in things that aren't materialistic, and surround yourself with people who help you love yourself. When you finally do start to love on yourself, you will see all of the magnificent things about you. This world is going to constantly tell us who we should be and how we should look, but we should know better than to listen to it. We are human, and we have flaws. Yes I may have a pimple or carry around some extra weight. But, I also have a great sense of humor, and I love with everything I have in me. It's easy to look down on ourselves, but look in the mirror and give yourself a compliment once a day. Look at the things you're doing in life and be proud. You are the best you there ever will be, and you should tell yourself that every day.