This goes out to all the girls who don’t think they are strong enough to stand up to the bullies. This is for the girls who struggle with stepping out of their comfort zone. To all those girls who have had their confidence pushed into the ground. Be strong willed. Be confident. Be happy with who you are. You are beautiful. You are courageous. You are worthy of confidence.
Something I think a lot of girls struggle with is how to develop and form strong opinions and find the strength to have confidence in all they do, each and every day. As a girl who struggled with being independent until getting to college and growing up without having a strong leadership personality I look back now and hope others find the path I didn’t take until later in life. Although I am proud of how my confidence came about, I wish that girls would have this feeling sooner in life because I think it would heighten the experiences they have in high school and can transition into college more securely.
A major key to the change in my mentality was based on who I surrounded myself with. There is a study that talks about how the five people whom you spend most of your time with are the five personalities in which you begin to form and develop in to. I experienced this when I moved up to K-State and began finding my place in both my sorority and my dance team.
I do not regret the time spent with girls who were not helping me better myself, but I wish I would’ve focused my time on those helping me rather than hurting me. For those who are struggling to find their group or worry each day about whether their friends will last in the long run, I want to share a piece of advice with you. No matter how old you are, no matter what is going on, keep looking at the positives in each person you encounter. This may seem like it does not have any correlation with confidence but if you start acting in a more positive way, it will allow more positive thoughts to flow through your mind and heart which will slowly allow for confidence and a big smile to fall on to your face.
Even if you get with a group that doesn’t have the best influence, share your love with them, because maybe you are helping them. If you are lucky enough to find a group of friends who have the total package of being an amazing pal, make sure they realize your love for them. Wouldn’t you want them to do so for you?
With everything you do, be confident and find what makes you happiest. It is most important to take care of yourself, mentally and physically and then make sure you are available to help those who need your support to live life joyfully.
Spread your wings have happiness and surround yourself with good people. Even if you are nervous or hesitant, let your strong side push through and your level of self-confidence will grow gradually. Don’t be afraid to be on your own for a little if necessary, but fight to find a new friend and head on the path towards assurance.