When I’m not happy (which used to be most of the time), I would always find myself looking inward and trying to find out whats wrong with me or why can’t I just have normal train of thought for once. Eventually, I broke out of this perpetual cycle of self-loathing thanks to friends, family, and teachers helping and inspiring me. They helped show me a side of myself I never even know existed before.
Before I did this, for so long I felt like I lived in a shell with the idea that it was a protection, when in reality it was holding me back. I think that you can be happy by looking internally into yourself and accepting by looking at external factors is just as if not more important.
Random acts of kindness from friends, loved ones or even strangers are more important then we give credit for. Whether its just a simple phrase like “take care” or asking “how are you" or even a simple gesture like a hand on the shoulder it radiates more then people ever would want to admit. In all reality the smallest of gestures can make the biggest of differences. There are people that radiate happiness and joy, you know them when you see them. People who radiate this can pass it on to others--think of it as using an already lit candle to light up other candles. It’s amazing how people can affect one another.
The other thing about these depressive, sad outrageous thoughts that make us feel the most lonely can also be the ones that make us feel the most connected. Its such an amazing phenomenon that when we feel at our loneliest, someone else out there who feels the exact same. Even if it doesn't help us completely, it's reassuring to know we are not completely alone.