Time is one of the coolest concepts. It is something that humans have created to track every moment of our lives. What is even more interesting is the amount of time we are given on earth. Whether you believe it is predetermined, determined by some higher power, or random, every single human is given a different amount of time filled with different experiences.
Time also does not seem to be granted very fairly. Good people die every day. Bad people live for years and years. People constantly take part in behaviors that are harmful to their body live to be 100, while others live their lives as healthy as possible and die at age 20. It just isn’t fair and it doesn’t make sense, but that's life.
Despite all the bad that comes along with death and our clock running out, we must try to find a way to find some good. I have always struggled to wholeheartedly believe in the statement “everything happens for a reason.” This is due to the fact that I have both personally experienced and witnessed others, go through extreme pain and sorrow due to the loss of a loved one at what seems like a premature time. I have never been able to find a reason strong enough to overcome the pain that such events cause. And for as long as I live, I do not know that I will ever be able to fully agree with this statement, however, I have done my best to learn to find the good in all the bad and use my experiences and use what I have learned through it all to try and help others. I definitely still have a long way to go, but I must use my time in a way that will allow me to find some light in all the darkness.
What also fascinates me is how much pride we take in how we use our time, as we should. We are all so lucky for all of the time we have been given as we never know when our time will come to and end or get taken from us too soon. For this reason, we must do everything we can to be good people, to take risks, to do what makes us happy, have no regrets, and above all, to enjoy life. After all, one of the most powerful and most precious gifts we possess as humans is time. What matters not is how much we have of it, but how we use it. We must push ourselves out of our comfort zone so that we can live, make mistakes, learn, and grow
The best thing about time is that our own time is in our own control. We can use our time how we please. For this reason, I hope that every second we live is a great one and that we are all able to make the best use of our time because we never know when our clock will stop ticking.