So here is a tough philosophical question that we all must deal with now that summer is arriving. Classes have ended, the weather is beautiful and our responsibilities are at an all-time low. This is the time to learn about ourselves, to ask ourselves the really nitty gritty questions.
One of these questions: what is the best time to drink mimosas?
It's going to be difficult asking yourself this question, especially we're in the strange limbo between classes and your internship or research or job or whatever you will be doing this summer. You need to figure out how many mimosas you will want to enjoy before you begin your actual responsibilities.
But there are times when mimosas are always acceptable, and we have compiled a list of those times.
1. Weekends
This is non-negotiable. You have no obligations right now, especially not on the weekends. If you're not drinking mimosas, what are you doing with your life?
2. Graduation celebrations
You or a few of your friends are graduating this year! Have a celebratory mimosa.
3. Graduation depression
You or your friends are graduating this year, and every time you think about it, you start to cry. Have a mimosa to cheer yourself up.
4. After workouts
You definitely just worked off all the food you ate yesterday in a glorious hour or two at the gym. You deserve a mimosa.
5. Before workouts
You are about to embark on a terrible experience at the gym in which you will sweat, struggle and cry. You deserve a mimosa.
6. During workouts.
How are you expected to endure this torture for two hours? You deserve a mimosa.
7. Every day with breakfast.
Or brunch. Or lunch. Or dinner. Or every meal of the day.
8. The morning your job starts
Because how will you get through otherwise?
9. Every day.
Mimosas are perfect for all occasions.
10. The final answer: always
It is always time to drink mimosas.