When I tell people that I'm a double major taking 18 credits, working a part time job, completing in an internship, and staying involved on campus, I always get the same response: "How?" I usually joke around and respond, "No social life." But somehow I still manage to have a social life on top of everything. I promise you balancing everything isn't impossible. Yes, sometimes it's a little difficult, but with good time management skills the impossible is doable.
Here are some of my personal tips for time management that will help you be the most productive you can be each day:
1. Write Out Your Daily Plans.
Your agenda should be your best friend (and if you don’t have an
agenda: what are you doing?). Always plan out your day the night before or morning of. Not only will this ensure that you don't forget anything, it will also help you figure out the most efficient way to get everything done and
maximize your time.
2. Keep To-Do Lists.
To-do lists should be your other best friend. It’s hard enough to get everything done that you need to in a day, but it's even harder if you don't know what you have to do everyday. This is also a great way to make sure you don't forget anything important!
3. Utilize every second of spare time you have.
If you have an hour before your next class starts, don’t use that time to aimlessly scroll through social media or take a nap. Instead, start studying for your next quiz, write a couple paragraphs of that essay due in a few days, etc. Every minute counts when you have a jam packed schedule!4. Start With the Easiest Task First.
If you want to be productive, start with the easiest or most enjoyable task first. This way you’ll ease into a productive power session! It will also give you a sense of accomplishment when you check off that one easy task from your to-do list and give you motivation to cross off some more!
5. Stay Organized!
It’s a given that you need to stay organized with your planner and to-do lists. But having your room, your backpack, your email, and everything else organized too will also benefit you. Take the time to organize everything one day and you’ll see how being organized helps daily tasks go so much faster and more efficiently.
6. Prioritize Tasks.
Always prioritize your tasks! Make sure that you get things that need to be done the next day first and go from there!
7. Get some sleep!
Getting a good night’s sleep is extremely important when you’re
trying to be as productive as possible. If you’re tired it will take you twice
as long to do something than if you were well rested. Not to mention, you won’t
feel the need to take naps during the day, which is probably one of the worst
things you can do if you’re trying to conscious of your time during the day.
8. Use mealtime wisely.
Mealtimes take up a good chunk of time during the day; in order to be more timely, try minimizing the time you spend eating. I know some people that spend an hour every night eating dinner with their friends. If you can shorten your meal times or learn to multitask while eating, you will be able to make the most out of the short amount of time in a day.
9. No days off.
If one of your classes gets canceled and your shift at work gets called off, don't think of it as a day off. Try to do at least one or two productive things each day. Doing a little bit everyday will really add up and help you avoid those impossibly busy days as much as possible.
10. Make time to relax and recharge!
You can’t get a lot done if you’re tired or burnt out. Take time for yourself everyday! Don’t feel like you need to give up Netflix or hanging out with your friends in order to balance everything else in your life. It’s extremely important to have time to enjoy yourself in order to avoid burning out!