I consider procrastination to be a disease. For many years, I have been guilty of waiting until the last minute to do things. Anything as small as grocery shopping or studying early has all been put on hold due to my desire to do other things which seem more "interesting" or "worth my time". But in the end, I found that I am hurting myself. Limiting myself to receive a B or a C because I didn't want to study a few days earlier to earn the "A" was when I realized that waiting just isn't worth it. If you haven't come to the point when you realize that time management is a must, here is something to make you change your mind a bit. Hopefully, this lists influences you to buy a planner and jot your life down by the hour. If not, it will ruin your life.
1. When things get hectic, what will you do?
Let's say you have six assignments due by Monday. It's Saturday, and you haven't done anything. You have long work hours tonight and there's a party you just found out about after work. Chances are your going to end up at that party. And those six assignments will be waiting for you on Sunday. Unless you're brave enough to take the F.
2. Your best work isn't shown when you rush it.
When you wait until the final moment to do everything, you are more likely to submit crappy work just to get it done. Make a habit of this, and your professor will notice. Your work ethic will also seem very lazy.
3. You aren't really learning/practicing/studying.
When your working on a study guide for a exam at the last minute, all your energy must be put into memorizing every word on the paper. If you would've started earlier, you could have actually learned and applied the concepts.
4. Your schedule will always be hectic.
There will never be a dull moment. Especially with 1,001 things to do. And I can guarantee you won't be able to get them all done.
Just buy a planner, space everything out appropriately, and don't ever say "I'll do it later".