The first week of college can be over-whelming, especially as a freshman. It is hard to really know what to expect as everyone has a different experience their first time in college. Nothing can prepare you for college which is very exciting, yet terrifying. People have different perceptions of college based on stories they have heard or movies they have seen. However, it is not until your first few weeks of school, that you finally realize what the "college experience" truly is. You thought you knew how to manage your time before, until you are in an environment where there is always, and I mean ALWAYS something going on. Time management is an imperative skill every successful student must have.
After several weeks in college, I quickly learned how to manage my time. Being an active member in the Student Government, Dance Company, and Acapella Group, while working 30 hours a week at the bookstore, I had a lot on my plate and I loved it. However, without being able to manage my time, I would probably be a mess right now. Time management is an essential skill to have in college when you have a busy schedule!
One of the most important pieces of advice I can offer you is that you set your priorities straight. There will be so many distractions in college that may steer you off of your plan for the day. Make sure you prioritize what you want to accomplish day by day. Resist temptation and distraction as that will only take time away from your priorities. For example, there will always be something going on or people wanting to hangout. As much as you may want to do that, you really do have to stick to what must get done or else it never will. Trust me, there is nothing worse than procrastination. What truly helps me is writing down what I want to get done for the day as soon as I wake up. This helps me devise a plan to conquer all of these objectives so I can have free-time when I have finished all of these items on the list. Being organized and writing down what must get done will absolutely help you stay ahead.
When creating a list of your priorities, don't forget to be practical and schedule break times for you to relax and hang out with friends! It is important to balance your life between academics and having a social life as well. As Wiz Khalifa says, "work hard, play hard", do not forget to enjoy your time in college too!
One of my biggest enemies when it comes to managing my time is definitely my cell phone. I recommend turning it off when doing homework or studying. Of course, that is way easier said than done. I find myself wasting so much time scrolling through social media the first half- hour when I wake up in the morning and almost two hours before I go to sleep at night. I could be a lot more productive with that time. Staying away from my cell phone is something I still must work on.
Overall, my first few weeks at college have flown by. I have been very busy but I would not want it any other way. I know as long as I keep managing my time well, I will continue to experience an amazing unforgettable freshman year!