We live life constantly looking at the future. Future assignments, future jobs, what we are going to do this weekend. Almost everything we do is in preparation for the future or with the future in the back of our mind. Instead of sitting in class, taking it in and enjoying it, we spend the time sitting and stressing about the next class, or the assignment due next week. How are we getting anything out of our education or life without living in the moment?
Our days aren't meant to be spent stressing about school or work. Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. We are all in college to get an education, that is obvious, but we're not there with a gun to our heads telling us we have to be there, although sometimes it might feel like we do. We choose our majors, we want to learn and get better for our future careers, these are choices we make. If you aren't enjoying most of your classes you might be in the wrong major.
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Everyone gets stressed out, I know as an English major it is easy to get stressed out when I have to read two books and write three papers all by Friday, but I have to try not to get lost in the stress, because when I take a step back I realize that even though it's a lot of work, it is work that I enjoy and everyone should feel that way about school or their careers. If you don't feel that you might need to make a change.
Take the time to take a step back from the stress and the work and just be present. Live in the moment for a minute and take in the fact that you enjoy your life, and you are enjoying what you are doing. There is no need to stress about the future all day, every day. Enjoy your classes, enjoy your friends, enjoy the simple things. The simple act of being more present is going to destress you without even trying.