I am a firm believer in second chances. By this I mean I will give a million second chances in hopes that people will change. Very recently I have come to the realization that it is very unhealthy for me to do this. Sometimes it is just time to move on and leave some things and people behind.
Some times what hurts more is holding on. Holding on to something negative can end up hurting us more than letting it go. If a relationship makes you sad more than it makes you happy, then you need to just let it go. I held on to too many on again off again relationships because at one point they made me so happy and I was scared of change. The second I finally moved on and put an end to them though, my life turned around. I was genuinely happier and had more insight of what I needed.
We as people tend to be scared of change. I know I was with my past relationships and still am now. Consistency is sexy to us, it is safe, but bad consistency is dangerous. There are so many times when I had unhealthy relationships, romantic and platonic, that just kept hurting me. Sometimes all we need is a little push to let go. I have been blessed with solid friends who can be my voice of reason when I seem to be lost. Everyone could use a little push every once in a while.
Making new relationships is really scary so we tend to think it is easier to just hold on to old ones then start over. No one wants to hear their best friend of 4+ years is a liar and user because that would mean they would have to go out and make a new friend and that’s more terrifying then the thought of being trapped in a poisonous relationship.
It is so hard to move on but there comes a time when you have to let go. If you feel bad about yourself because of the way someone is treating you, then let go. Someone who loves you will not make you feel anything but love and reassurance. Even when you mess up and you need someone to be harsh with you, someone who loves you will always remind you about what a good person you are. Honestly the best things we can ever do for ourselves is put our wellbeing and selves first. People who want you to succeed will be there for you no matter what.
Giving up something that you loved so much at one time is hard but a bad relationship is like a cancer. At first you may not feel it hurting you but as it drags on it will suck the life out of you. We only get one life so why waste it being anything but happy. We should not have to sacrifice our own wellbeing and joy for the sake of someone else. Sometimes you just have to open your eyes and let go.