A new outlook as a result of The Time You Have (In Jellybeans)
28,835. The average American lives 28,835 days. These days are spent in school, bathing, eating, studying, commuting, doing all the thing necessary to continue living our lives the way we are supposed to; doing the deeds we need to survive. This leaves us approximately 2,740 days to do anything else. Hearing a number over two thousand seems impressive. It feels as if we have forever.
What if I separate it into weeks? 391. Still seem like a lot? 98 months.
8 years.
We only have the equivalent of 8 years to do the things we love the most, the things that make us human. Laughing, smiling, crying, listening to music, throwing a football, hugging your parents, fighting with your siblings, dancing with your best friends to music at 2 in the morning when you have classes or work the next day. 2,740 days doesn't seem that long anymore, does it?
Out of the 79 years, the 28,835 days, 10% of that time is doing all these things. At the young age of 18, I'm 23% of the way done with my average life. I've used 1.84 of my 8 years of free time.
How did I spend this time? Sitting behind a computer screen? Laying down watching Netflix or texting? What about taking selfies, or shopping? Don't forget about the teenage gossip and drama. All that time wasted crying over that boy that didn't like me back or that friend that wouldn't stop talking about me. How much of my 1.84 years did I spend worrying about these little things?
It's how we're raised. We're taught to take each day at a time, focusing on the tasks at hand. We are taught to not get ahead of ourselves.
How is that supposed to work, though? I don't want to look back at my 8 years and wonder, "Where did time go?" "Why didn't I do this?" "Would my life be different if I changed how I acted?"
You can live in "the now", but not forget that there's more to life than just this day. I study hard so in the future, I can make missionary trips to third world countries. I introduce myself to everyone I meet because I never know who will change my life for the better. I join all these clubs and organizations because it builds me into a better person, puts me into a group of amazing people, and causes a smile to stick to my face 24/7. I do volunteer work because it warms my heart so much I can feel it in my finger tips.
We were put on this Earth for more than who ends up with the most money, the most amount of materialistic items. We were created to smile, to laugh, to love. There will always be worries. There will always be stress. There will always be those things that leave you paralyzed with fear. However, we cannot sit back and just watch life fly by us. We cannot sit hoping for better things to come when we won't get up to make it happen.
Now I ask you all the question that leaves everyone paralyzed. Let's say today was your last day. Would you be satisfied with it? This isn't my way of telling you every day should be some big adventure. My day consisted of classes, club meetings, and endless homework. But I smiled today. I laughed today. I surrounded myself with amazing people. These are the smallest, yet most valuable things life has to offer.
Take some of your time to watch that amazing video linked above. It might just be exactly what you need.
So, how are you going to change your days? How will you be proud of your 8 years?