All too recently, I had a close loved one pass away abruptly and unexpectedly. Unfortunately, there is not a handbook with chapters telling us how to cope when losing someone close. It is something you learn on your own to heal, not through the pages of a book, but from others around you, reminiscing over old memories and past laughs.
Looking back, I took thousands of moments of granted, mostly because I assumed that I would be able to have a thousand more. Though all of this has been a journey, a difficult one, I try my hardest to look back and remember all the silly jokes, learning experiences, and how my life has personally changed by being around them.
Life is too short to constantly be moving forward and staying busy throughout our own personal lives. It's almost as if our busyness is the new "badge of honor." If you don't answer "busy" when someone asks you how you are doing, you immediately feel judged. You don't want people to think you are lazy or unimportant. It's a twisted society when whoever works the most or is the most burned out at the end of the day is seen as successful, rather than the ones who take time out of their day to do a hobby, or call a friend, or spend time with family.
We purposely miss out on so many opportunities around us.
We never think that our last time will actually be our last time. We always think we will have more. That there will always be another morning to wake up to and start again. We think that we have forever, but in reality, we don't.
Never waste a moment, it may be your last with someone you love.
Time will forever be infinite, but our lives are so short. Our lives are like a piece of bark from a tree and time is a whole forest. Our lives are so small when compared to the infinite time. Time will keep moving forward, so with the precious amount of time we have been blessed with, cherish it.
One day, you're 19, and you're making big plans for your "someday." Then quietly, without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And then someday is yesterday.
We all have the time, it's not about "having" the time, but more so "making" the time.
Be the one who nurtures and builds others up through times of hardship. Be the one with an understanding and forgiving heart to others, always looking for the best in them. When we do someday leave, leave those around you a better person. Let their lives be radically changed by your memories created with them and the wisdom you left them.
Life is just too short. Live in the moment.