December already? Most of us are staring at our calendars as the weather starts to become bitter and cold, wondering how we got here. It seems like just yesterday it was August. We were all moving in, getting ready for an amazing year and a fresh start. We experienced the excitement of tailgates, football games and even a riot. This all occurred in just five short months.
Five months.... that is a long time. To be exact actually, that is one hundred and fifty two days. It's hard to fathom that it has been exactly 152 days since we have begun our school year. It seems like just yesterday we were breaking out the tailgating gear and sporting our shorts, tank tops and t-shirts. Now, as we prepare for winter and basketball season, we're breaking out the jackets, scarves and boots. Sure, time has flown, but have you ever stopped and looked at all that you have accomplished during these times?
We all have a habit of looking forward. We focus on the things in the future and choose to ignore the past. Sure, the past may pain us, the past may even make us cringe. But as time seems to be flying, it is time to start facing that past with a positive attitude.
Too often we reflect on what has happened in our lives with a blur of mixed emotions. We usually focus on the negative. We think of every single bad thing that is happened. While 152 days is a lot of time, not all days are bound to be good days. Heck, you might've had the worst 152 days of your life. But, there is something to smile about. You made it another 152 days in life. Whether those days were either a good or bad 24 hours, you did it. Thats something positive to reflect upon.
152 days down. Seven tailgates celebrated. Thirteen football games watched. Countless exams taken and hours of homework completed. With all that has been accomplished, there have been so many memories made. Don't be afraid to take a trip down memory lane. These past five months may have not gotten you to where you want to be, but look how far you have come. In less than half a year, you have become a whole new person.
It seems like just yesterday you were beginning a totally new journey. As the semester comes to an end, new and exciting plans begin to form for the spring semester. It is crazy how fast time flies. We often take this time for granted as we don't realize that someday we will be looking back on this time, wishing we could go back.
As you begin to look forward to a fresh start for the upcoming months, take a few things into consideration:
1. Time flies.
2. How did you spend your time when it was flying by?
3. Will you look back regretting the chances you didn't take or look back remembering all the awesome memories you made taking those chances?
4. Every mistake and wrong turn you may have made will eventually be a valuable lesson.
So live everyday with excitement. Go out, try new things, be kind to people. Life is so short. Do not take your time on this planet for granted. Don't waste your time on shitty people, don't forget to take chances and don't forget to make your happiness a priority. Future you will eventually be thanking the past you.