Time is what we use to measure our life, from when we wake up to when we go to bed, or from when we are born to when we die. The human race has created a system that makes people feel like failures if they aren't at the right step at the right age. For me, time has played such an important role but lately I have been realizing how much of an illusion time really is.
You could spend 3 years with someone and not know them the way you think you do, or not feel the way you thought you were supposed to feel. On the other hand, you can spend a month with someone and feel things you have never felt before or would expect to feel in such a short amount of time.
You spend years from Kindergarten to your Senior year in high school with people you think will be in your life forever because they're already there. But then you go to college and meet people who open up a whole pandora box of friendships and connections with people you just met.
You can finish school at the "right" age or you can realize your passion when you're in your thirties. Life is so unexpected and not everything goes one way, there are so many different paths to reach whatever goal you may have. For some people it takes longer, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Even though society makes it seem like if you don't have your life together 4-6 years after you graduate high school than you're a failure.
You can meet friends and partners in a week and know that they'll play an important role in your life forever, or you can know that person that has been sitting behind you for 5 years and feel nothing for them.
There will be people that can impact your life after a 5 minute conversation.
Time is an illusion, it doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. At the end of the day its the way you feel, the way you connect, the way your heart beats for something, and the way you handle everything that matters. We should take a step back and look at everything we have accomplished rather than worry about everything we aren't getting done. Life is like a race, everyone reaches the finish line at different times, but all that matters is you do everything you can to finish.