Dear Friends,
This letter is those of you who have been through terrible times with terrible people, whether it was a significant other, a family member, a friend, a coworker or even a classmate.
Everyone on this planet has met someone at one point — or will meet someone soon — who will become one of the most important people in their lives. It's normal; it just happens. The thing is: sometimes those people don't necessarily turn out to be who they seem at first. Like the saying goes, "There's more to meets the eye." They turn out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing... but it isn't your fault.
Humans are born with so much love in their hearts that we feel the overwhelming desire to share it. We are creatures born to love, and we love those who need it the most because we believe firmly that they deserve it. It's a part of human nature to be there for anyone who's having a hard time because we want to help everyone. There's a little bit of "I want to save the world" in every single one of us, and that's OK. It's OK to be nice to people and to help them. It's OK to be a type of support system for those who are struggling. But do you know what isn't OK? It's not OK to let people walk all over you or let them use you or take advantage of how nice and caring you are.
There are people in this world who genuinely are not good people, and they will do everything in their power to destroy everyone and everything around them for no other reason than that they're pure evil. Other people are sick in the head; they feel so awful about themselves that they'll go as far as dragging you down to their level. They want you to feel the exact way they do so they can suck the happiness right out of you and use it on themselves — very similar to the dementors from Harry Potter. There are people in this world who are literal poison.
I'm here to let you know it's OK to cut it out of your life. I know from personal experience how hard it can be to let people go when you've invested so much time and energy into them. You've changed things about yourself to accommodate them — so you can make them happy. They lie and hurt you, you forgive them and say it's OK... until the next time it happens.
Friend, I'm not here to ridicule you. I'm here to show you the bigger picture. It's OK to worry about your own happiness before you worry about somebody else's. If there's someone in your life treating you poorly, it's OK to let them go. I know it hurts, but you'll be OK. Life is way too short to sit around and try to figure out what you could've done to keep the girlfriend who cheated on you or the friend who stole your money or the coworker who cost you your job for something you weren't even involved in. Life is too short to worry about anything if you really think about it. We're all born for a reason, so we need to utilize that.
I'm not saying don't care about anyone because of those who have hurt you. I'm saying move on because you can honestly do so much better and you deserve better. Move on to bigger and better things, better people, whatever it is you need to do be happy with yourself because really? At the end of the day, we're our own best friend. People come and go from our lives, but we're our own constant. We need to be happy with ourselves before all else.
"If you can't love yourself, how in the [heck] are you going to love anyone else! Can I get an 'Amen'!?" — RuPaul