The tragic events of this past weekend including the death of singer Christina Grimmie, and the attack killing 50 people and injuring 53 in Orlando just the next day. It was a heavy weekend for sure, and America is buzzing about it. While it is easy to get caught up in the semantics and politics of these tragedies, of which I have also done, I am starting to realize the root of the emotions that surface at times like these. Here's my conclusion
Life is precious. Death is scary. Time goes by too fast, and as it does we lose sight of what is important in life.
In spite of these two horrible events that occurred this weekend, there was some positive that put life and time into perspective for me in a similar way. High school graduation. Yeah, this happens every year, but this time around it was different because my little brother was one of the graduates. As I'm sitting in the ceremony, waiting to hear my brother's name (which takes a while since we're at the bottom of the alphabet) I'm also hearing names I recognize as "baby freshman" I knew from marching band right before I graduated. The more names called that I recognized, the more emotional.....and weird I felt. Had it really already been four years since I was sitting in those seats, so ready and excited for my the next chapter in my life. Now here I am, four years later I guess, watching my brother do the same, and hanging on to every minute dragging my feet, fighting moving on to my own next chapter.
*Please tell me I'm not the only college senior thinking the same*
I let the past four years of my life fly by without a second thought, and all I want to do is tell my brother and tell the baby freshman from high school to cherish every last moment they have because time really does go by too fast. It's not just something adults say to lecture you, it's not just a cliche quote to put in pretty typography and post to Instagram, it's the hard truth. The scary thing about this for me, besides the fact that I will be thrusted into the real world and swimming with adults in just a year, is that my school years are starting to not be the only thing flying, it's my LIFE -- and it's yours too.
I guess the point in all of this is that I think we are all in a place in our lives where we are starting to realize and appreciate the preciousness of life...and how quickly it goes by. As the great words of Ellis Grey go, the carousel never stops turning. Let this article be a bookmark for you to make the most of the time that you have. Hug your friends. Tell your family you love them. Have fun, be smart, and don't take it for granted.
*End rant*