You moved on, so now it's my turn. Never thought I would be able to do it, even with the horrible things you have done to me, but I can finally now say that I have no ties to you anymore after all of this time. And for those who believe this is about a certain person, it is not. It is for anyone that has burned me in my life, or made me think that I could not do or be better, even though everyone good in my life told me that I could. I did not deserve what you brought to the table, which was really not much if we are being honest here.
I believe them all now, I can do better, so much better. My gosh ,why did I never realize this months ago? Because I have moved on from ones like you, and you, and even you before. Every single day I am growing, and everyday I become a stronger version of the person I was yesterday. So this is a goodbye to you for now, and time for me to go back to the person I was before, the person that was not trying to make excuses for why I put up with you. I do not hate you, not at all actually. I do hate the person I was when we were in contact, unfortunately. Sometimes you do not realize how bad someone is for your life and well-being at the moment, because you are so blinded by the person you thought they were. Guess I should actually thank you for showing me what I do not deserve, and what not to put up with next time someone new comes into my life.
So for all of you thinking that you can not move on from that person; whether it be an ex, a close friend, someone you had slight feelings for, or just someone who burned you so bad that you actually are not able to forgive them, you can, and you need to in order to get on with your life. Life is too important, and you are too important to be giving anyone like this the time of day, or even let them be a small thought that crosses your mind and ruins your mood. But you need to just leave that person in the past, and realize that in a years time, all they will be is a distant memory, and a memory that you were able to learn from and grow as a human being. Trust me, you will be happier. It is time to take my own advice. It is time to move on, it is time to move the hell on. I am already a happier person because of it and I promise, for anyone this applies to, you will be a happier person too.
You burned me so badly, but that made me who I am right now, and I am done with you. So you can go and do your thing, I'm gonna go and live my life like I should have done a long, long time ago, see ya never!