Our generation is one of the last who has spent their childhood years outside electing to spend our time partaking in epic games of kickball and tag instead of consumed in various forms of technology, from iPod to Xbox, like kids today. Technology on its own has multiple benefits, but it also has its many down sides. Instead being outside enjoying the fresh air, many people are driven inside to play video games or watch TV nonstop. Instead of connecting with old friends over coffee or lunch, we are content on liking a picture on Instagram or a post on Facebook to show our interest in one another. During the school year, times are tough and schedules are tight; so, the summer calls for a period of relaxation, and I suggest a period of time in which you put down the technology. In a society obsessed with cleanses and detoxes, how about giving a “technology detox” a try this summer? Here are some reasons, and ways, to step away from the screen and embrace all that the summer has to offer this year.
- Get outside! There is so much to do once you look past your phone. Go for a hike, go camping, go to the beach. If all else fails, or if none of it appeals to you, catch a baseball game or go for a walk around your neighborhood. Do something outside, the fresh air works wonders.
- Explore your state. If you go to a school out of state, there are many things that you might miss about your home state that would normally fall short of admiration when you spent all of your time at home. Who knows, you could stumble upon the best ice cream or the biggest ball of yarn.
- The world will still exist. I know it is hard to be away from your phone for a while (especially when you've got numerous Snapchat streaks to maintain) but trust me, your friends will still be there after a week off. A couple of streaks should not be the deterrent to taking a break from the phone.
- You need to take care of yourself. Although social media is a great way to share experiences, it's also a great way to compare experiences. Stop playing the “who got the most likes on their post” game, it's not healthy. The prospect of likes should not be the only motivation for your adventures this summer.
- Live the experiences first hand. So many times we capture moments from behind a camera, which often means we miss some of the smallest details. Not every moment needs to be shared, take a break from the filters and live in the moment.
The summer is meant to be a time of relaxation, reflection, and rejuvenation so I'm not saying you shouldn't binge watch your latest Netflix show; but, I am suggesting you take some time to yourself and put down the phone. There is still plenty of time left to make memories you won't forget this summer. So, let your friends and family know you will be going technologically AWOL for a week. Don't sweat losing the Snapchat streak!