Every Sunday night my parents would drag me to the prayer service. There was no kids church, we all had to sit in a pew with my parents and listen. I remember counting tiles on the roof, reading hymnals, doing anything to distract myself, except pray.
I didn't understand it then. What was the point of talking to God if He knew what you were thinking and doing all the time? I didn't understand how important it was not just to let God watch you like an all-seeing eye from Heaven, but to talk and have a personal relationship with him.
We all talk about prayer, it's the Christian thing to do. We pray for our food before every meal. We tell a friend or co-worker we will pray for them. When a friend posts on Facebook or social media about something bad happening, the comment section reads "praying." It's the automated response that everyone gives. If we actually sat down and prayed, think of the good we could do. I am nowhere near perfect, but I know that I can pray.
The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16
When I feel like the world is crashing down around me, and there is nothing else I do, this verse is the one that helps me remember that my conversations with God can make a difference. We are called on to pray for everyone. We are called to pray for each other without dispute. No anger, no hatred, just sharing a moment of lifting hands in prayer.
I urge, then first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for all people. 1 Timothy 2:1
Therefore, I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing. 1 Timothy 2:8
Prayer can bring people together. When I think back now to those Sunday nights I appreciate all the prayer that was offered up. I don't remember what they were for but weekly we would hear reports of what God had done through prayer. That is a powerful tool.
Prayer is not gender, race, age, or political party bias. It is not something that is out there for the world to see. It is a very personal choice, but it has the power to change the world. The loss of Reverend Billy Graham and so many others this past year brought me to a realization. Our generation needs to step up.
Young adults have the chance to make a huge difference. In an interview, Bishop Bill Hamon said that he believes young adults are going to be an army for God that is unstoppable and on fire. You can see it in all that we do. We are driven, we are not afraid, we are unstoppable. It is up to us to start making a difference in prayer.
Don't wait for the prayer warriors in your life to reach heaven before you start praying. The time is now because none of us are promised tomorrow.