Star's Controversial Lyrics Changing Music | The Odyssey Online
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Star's Controversial Lyrics Changing Music

Kasey Musgraves brings new name to country music.

Star's Controversial Lyrics Changing Music

It’s no secret that out of all the genres of music, country receives the more brutal end of music critique. The main complaint about this particular genre is the indefinite amount of songs devoted to broken hearts, fishin’, trucks, and beer drinkin.’ So why listen to country music?

While this may be true, strictly being objective, I’m going to play devil’s advocate for a moment and point out that the main stream music everyone listens to is mostly mindless and repetitive garbage with no substance or real talent. And country songs have the bothersome reputation of all being the same.

So what happens when the majority of people’s heads are being filled with, well, junk? What happened to pure talent and lyrics that have a deeper meaning past the surface? Art that makes you feel something? It’s time we start appreciating actual artists and not someone who makes a ‘song’ by repeating the same three sentences for three minutes.

This is the part where I introduce to you, from good ole’ Texas, Kasey Musgraves. Yes, she is a country music singer, but before you write her off for that reason alone, let me tell you a little bit about her.

An advocate for gender equality, gay rights, and the legalization of marijuana, Her songs, though classified as country, have a unique sound to them. Self-proclaimed country music haters get tricked into listening to her music, unaware that the alluring twang they hear is something they claim to hate. Musgraves is not only beginning to bring country music a new light, but the music industry as a whole. Her lyrics are controversial but address this generation’s struggles with an extremely objective opinion.

“Make lots of noise, kiss lots of boys, or kiss lots of girls if that’s something you’re into. When the straight and narrow gets a little too straight roll up a joint, or don’t. Just follow your arrow wherever it points,” Musgraves sings in her hit “Follow Your Arrow.”

I remember telling my friend how much I love her albums “Same Trailer Different Park” and “Pageant Material.”

“She has a nice voice, but her lyrics are so dark!” they replied, to which I could only shake my head.

“They’re not dark, they’re realistic. She’s singing about things that matter and other artists are too afraid to sing about.”

Musgraves has only released two albums so far, and is currently on tour. Call me biased for being a southern girl and loving her down home roots, but I greatly admire this young artist. Even if you listen to Musgraves songs, which I highly suggest you do if just purely for her artistic talent, and decide you still hate all country songs, the amount of respect she deserves for singing about the things she believes in with unwavering faith is monumental.

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