Coming into college can be a scary time, not knowing what you want to do with your life can be extremely frightening. You may have your major figured out, but what do you want to do with it? In most cases, there's a chance that your major could lead you to several different jobs, and narrowing it down to one can be quite difficult. Or maybe you don't even know what you want your major to be. But that's okay. It might be scary to think about, but you don't really have to know what you are going to do with the rest of your life as soon as you start your first week of college. Coming into to college is scary enough, but worrying about future is even worse.
Yes, college is about going to school and getting a good education, but it's also a time to have new experiences and have fun. It's also a time to learn what you really like. You may come into college having an idea of what you want to do, having a tentative idea can allow you to explore different opportunities that you may have never thought of. Learning of the new opportunities can either help you find what you want to do in the field you're interested in, or it'll take you in a totally different direction with a completely new interest.
Exploring new majors and interests can be one of the best parts of college if you do it right. Don't take too much time because you don't want to end up graduating in eight years, but do take some time to explore. Not knowing what you want to do shouldn't be scary, it should just be a way to find out what you really love to do. College is about finding out who you are and what you want to do. It's okay to make changes and have new ideas.
You don't have to put stress on yourself and try to figure out your whole life plan within the first week of starting at college, or even in your first semester. Take time to figure out what you want to do and be happy with your choice. You don't have to know what you're doing with your life right now, and that's okay.