The first week in October has been completed and unfortunately, most people did not realize it was Mental Health Awareness Week; however, there have been several stories in the media that have opened the conversation on mental health and mental illness. On October 4th, Kid Cudi, a popular mainstream musician, revealed the details of his depression and constant suicidal urges in a Facebook post. Cudi apologized repeatedly in his testament to his supporters and even admitted to feeling ashamed and embarrassed. Additionally, this entire week the media has been bustling with news of Kim Kardashian being robbed at gunpoint in her hotel room while in Paris, France. While Kardashian has been the butt of insensitive jokes, the reality is that her trauma and its after effects are truly affecting her.
Mental health and mental illnesses have been stigmatized for a long time. Most people who suffer from mental illnesses are ashamed to reveal this to their "support system." Others are met with the belief that "praying it away" is the proper remedy for a mental illness. Unfortunately, most victims of mental illnesses suffer in silence and suffer alone. It is difficult to assist someone in understanding and because of lack of understanding and knowledge, it is difficult for a person to be empathetic.
The reality is that people are more willing to see a doctor or a dentist than a psychiatrist. More people are willing to be treated for cancer or diabetes, but would rather not seek treatment for their anxiety or depression. Because mental illness is intangible and unable to be recognized as easily as a broken bone or asthma, it is often looked down upon and attributed to being "made up" in a person's mind.
The double standard concerning mental illness comes when the assumption about correct treatment is offered. Most people who suffer from a mental illness (and others who believe the mental illness isn't "real") believe professional help isn't needed because they can resolve it on their own. Why is it when someone has cancer or diabetes or another unfortunate disease, we encourage them to seek professional treatment right away? Double standard.
Similar to most victims of mental illnesses, I suffered in silence. I feared that no one would understand what I was dealing with, and when I opted to express myself to someone, that is exactly what happened. In January 2015, I witnessed my older brother being robbed at gunpoint. Although I was not directly robbed, I was a witness and I was just as afflicted. I suffered from acute stress disorder, which is diagnosed early after a traumatic event and is expected to resolve within three days to one month. Most people who develop ASD are later diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, and that is because symptoms have lasted longer than one month. PTSD is expected to resolve within six months and that was the case with me. Furthermore, the transition from high school to college made me suffer from college depression. College depression is not a clinical diagnosis, but it is depression that emerges during a person's college career. It is perfectly normal for a college student to have bouts of sadness and/or hopelessness, but these emotions usually pass within a few days. Similar to depression, these emotions will affect a person's feeling, thinking, and behavior and even lead to emotional or physical problems.
People who do not or have never suffered from a mental illness must understand that it is not comforting being told "everything will be okay." If a person is suffering from a mental illness, it is likely that they do not think everything will be okay. It is also likely that they are not looking for advice or for someone to guide them to a better place. If a person with a mental illness is confiding in you, it is because they trust you. Be a listening ear and most importantly, believe them! Assist them in seeking proper and professional treatment.
It is time for mental health and mental illnesses to be destigmatized. No longer should society look down upon mental illnesses and make insensitive jokes or have common misconceptions. Mental illnesses are just as common and just as treatable as any other disease and we should be supporting and urging all affected to seek proper treatment.