I found this topic in another Odyssey Online article and thought it would be interesting to write about.
I am a very nostalgic person, so I know I would be super indecisive as to what to put in the time capsule for me to open ten to twenty years down the road. I won't even know where I'll be living or traveling to at that point in time, so I wouldn't even know where to keep it. I keep all the letters I've ever received. I keep mementos from everything; I —low-key—stole a little prop from every theater show I was in during high school and have them all on display on my dresser.
I keep all the polaroids I take, even if I take others of me with the same people and they turn out better. There's really no telling how much stuff I have is actually important to me to keep, and how much is just stuff that I have because I kept it.
I think I would like to find a letter to myself, describing what I was wearing to see how my tastes had changed or stayed the same. I'd like to know what I was doing on the day I made the capsule and what made me decide to do it. I'd also like to know how I am feeling towards my fiance that day and to see how far we had come from that day to where we would be in the future, probably married with a couple of kids. I'd like to know when the last time I spoke to the members of my family was and the all-around feel for the time in which I buried the capsule. I'd like to put in the most recent letter from Austin, so I could rediscover the love we felt at that time.
I think I would like to find my dog who passed away's collar, so I know I kept it safe all those years. I'd like to put in an old picture of me and my sister from when we were children and a drawing my niece had made me so I could show it to her when she's all grown up.
I'd like to tear a page out of my planner and put it in there so I could know what I was doing the week I made it. I would put in a book my mom gave me, and write down a sarcastic comment my dad would have made to me that day so I can laugh about it years down the road.
I would like to put in little things that represent what I do in everyday life, just to see how far I've come as a person, or how far I've strayed from who I am.
I think after writing this article, I'm going to start a time capsule and bury it with my family somewhere that's important to all of us so we can look back on a time when we know we were happy. Maybe we'd all wait until the agreed upon year to come and open it up together; maybe we'd all come at separate, hard times in our lives when we need to be reminded what all of this is about. I know it would do good for my family to do this together, and to keep us together, like we always promise to be.