Few things in life are as exciting as an approaching summer camp. As a camp counselor for the last six years, I have made some of the dearest friends, happiest memories, and have laughed until I cried more times than I can count. Every year it seems like camp will never get here, and when it finally pops up on my calendar reminders, it’s all over in the blink of an eye. Below you will find the musings and inner dialog of a camp counselor.
This is going to be so much fun!
Calm down. Don’t scare the campers.
Holy cow, how many suitcases do these kids need?
Oh. I see. They’re filled with Oreos and chips.
Good call on the Oreos……I’ll have to get some of those.
I wonder how long it will take before the kids start giving us food to win our affection.
"Thanks for the Oreo!"
That didn’t take long.
Wow. Stop screaming.
How did y’all empty the vending machines so fast? You’ve been here less than 48 hours!
Child, wash your hands.
With soap.
For the one hundredth time, stop running down the halls!
You sound like a herd of cattle.
Ok, now you’re being too quiet.
What are you doing?
You locked your key in your room? Awesome.
So did your roommates?
More awesome.
Oh man. I’m starting to get tired.
I’ll sleep when I’m dead.
Aw, look! They’re holding hands.
How cute.
You know what’s not cute? My hair.
It looks like I’ve barely survived a tornado.
Another day, another cafeteria meal.
I wonder how long my body will survive off of ice cream sandwiches and pizza.
Not long.
No more pizza.
Look at those kids walking right past the salad bar and straight for the dessert table.
That kid’s mom would be furious if she knew how many chocolate chip cookies he ate at lunch.
WHOA cool it on the Bath and Body Works, princess.
Let’s take a look at my step counter. I bet I’m really close to my 10,000 step goal.
24,000 steps?
No way.
I’ve got to call Mom. She’ll never believe 24,000 steps.
You did what with the Oreos?
Oreo baseball?
What’s Oreo ba…..
Look at that mess!
Aw man. It’s all over your room.
Oh no. I am not cleaning that up.
Who knew Oreo cookies could be so gross?
You used a water bottle as a bat?
Lack of resources breeds ingenuity, I suppose.
I’m getting pretty pro at side hugs.
Another person locked out of their room at three in the morning.
The RA on-call is going to hate me.
Oh hey, cute RA. I see you.
When do you think that kid last took a shower?
Febreze. Lots of Febreze.
Coffee Gods, where are you?
Earth to Coffee Gods, come in Coffee Gods.
It’s almost over. I can make it.
It’s almost over.
I’m not ready for it to be over.
How has it been two weeks already?
I guess this is goodbye.
Only 365 days until the next camp!