We all originally knew Tim Tebow as the Florida Gator's quarterback. This man was a star in the sport, one of the best quarterbacks in football at the collegiate level. Multiple records were set by Tebow, as well as winning awards, including the Heisman trophy. In 2010, he got drafted by the Denver Broncos. His career of football came to an end in 2015. By 2016, Tim Tebow thought he would try his luck as a major league baseball player. Of course, the man would get a home run in his first at-bat in his first minor league game.
The fame and athletic abilities that Tim Tebow has gained over the years is not what makes this man so great. The thing that stands out the most about Tim Tebow is his undeniable Christian faith. Tim Tebow became known for "Tebowing." He would pray before each game he played in. In Tim's years as a Florida Gator, he would wear eye black. However, this wasn't just any eye black. The eye black he wore had the words "John 3:16" on it. He wore this during the 2009 BCS Championship game. This means that millions of people were watching this game. This one little act from one man created a new type of "record." Over 90 million searches were done on "John 3:16." That means millions of people read about the word of God in just one night. Tim's devotion to Christ did not stop right there. He created a foundation in 2010 in to raise money for children with life-threatening illnesses. He also started doing motivational speeches.
Tim Tebow has never been afraid to show his faith in public. This has held true twice this year already. Back in June, Tim was on a flight when he noticed a fellow passenger having a medical problem. He rushed to his side where he prayed over that man, and prayed with that man's family. Just this past week he was credited with helping another man this week. While signing autographs after his baseball game, Tim noticed a fan having a seizure. Tim rushed over to the man and he placed his hand on him. In that moment Tebow prayed for this man and the man's seizure began to subside. He even stayed by this man's side until the paramedics got there.
Through all the judgment and criticism Tim has faced through the years, that has never once stopped the man from showing what he truly believes in. He may be labeled as an ex-football player or wannabe baseball player, but Tim Tebow defines himself as a Christian. That is one thing that nobody will ever be able to take away from him.