In case you missed it over the last number of weeks, college football legend, and failed NFL quarterback, Tim Tebow announced that he will actively pursue a career in professional baseball. Here are the facts: the 29-year-old has been practicing for just under a year to recapture the skills that he hasn't used since 2005, when he played for Nease High School in Florida. When the news first surfaced, I was interested to see how the sports world would react. It certainly makes for a sexy headline to see that one of the greatest college football players of all time will try his hand at something new, but there are many underlying concepts to grasp when it comes to understanding his announcement.
Many, such as myself, believe Tebow hasn't the faintest hope to spend more than a token's worth of time in any professional system, whether it be major-league affiliated or otherwise. Not only do I not give Tebow a shot when his 'open-tryout' is held at the end of this month, but I am disgruntled at his attempts. Maybe I'm just being a cynical 20-year old with nothing better to do than hate on celebrity athletes, but maybe my attitude is justifiable. Tebow inviting major-league scouts to his private tryout comes off as pretentious, like "hey come see what you're missing out on," especially considering seasoned college players, with much more talent than Tebow, would kill to get in front of professional scouts. Tebow is also 29, making him ancient in the world of baseball scouting. If he took a normal progression up the ranks, assuming he had the success, he would make the MLB at a normal retirement age.
At the end of the day, who am I to say that somebody can't chase their dreams? I just believe this particular dream is somewhat disrespectful to the hundreds of thousands of amateur baseball players out there trying to do the same. If he somehow makes it, then I guess I'll be writing an apology article.