1994's smash holiday hit "The Santa Clause" saw Tim Allen don the big red suit and provided one of the best for-family films in a long time, while also bringing some great humorous moments that were not forced.
However, this is not a film review (which I would give an 11/10). Scott Calvin is literally all of us when it comes to being a college student during finals week. This is a perfect film to take inspiration from regarding the one week we always hate: FINALS.
There are some good quotes from Mr. Jolly Ol' St. Tim Allen that apply to your finals. Let's begin!
1. "We shared a bowl of sugar, did some shots of brown liquor, played with my shotguns, field-dressed a cat, looked for women..."
When anyone asks you if you were studying with friends/classmates.
2. Doctor: "So what? You put on a little weight." Scott: "Weight? Does this look like a little weight to you?"
Your diet plunders come finals week. BELIEVE ME.
3. "Can we take a direct flight back to reality, or do we have to change planes in Denver?"
You during a study group....losing your mind.
4. "I'm in big trouble. Mm-hmmm"
Waking up after sleeping through an 8am final.
5. "Not necessarily. It could be rude, sarcastic, whatever it takes!"
When people say that drinking alcohol while studying is 'not good.'
6. "The only thing you need to worry about is where you're going to buy your sweaters after the circus pulls out of town."
Weird conversations with best friends during finals week be like.
7. "What are you talking about? Everybody likes Denny's, it's an American institution."
When you're all out of options, go to Denny's. There's a 24-hour one in Bangor, ME, fellow Black Bears!
8. "1-800-SPANK-ME? I know that number."
9. "Well, isn't that a pretty picture, Santa rolling down the block in a PANZER! Well, kids, I...I certainly hope you have been good this year, cause it looks like Santa just took out the Pearson home. Incoming!"
Mental breakdown 101
10. "Yeah, well, look at my hair. It's turning grey."
Same here, dude. Especially after seeing the seven-page long study guide.
11. "Oh, there's a problem right there: three car pile-up. I'm really gonna be late."
Procrastination heading to your finals.
12. "Where the hell this come from?"
LITERALLY every time something never learned in class pops up on the final.
13. "No thank youuuuuuu....Judy"
14. "It felt like 'America's Most Wanted'."
Exaggerating a story to your friend/parent about taking finals.
15. "I hope not. These are... A gift. Probably from the cable company. We're getting the Disney Channel now. Merry Christmas."
When the professor asks if you're looking at a cheat sheet.
Good luck on your finals and to all a good week! "After this, I'm getting a CAT scan!"