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Ticket To Win

Why Carly Fiorina could be the Republican Nominee's ticket to the White House

Ticket To Win
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

One name echoed throughout the social media sphere this past Thursday: Carly Fiorina. The former CEO of Hewlett-Packard won the first of the two Republican debates on Fox News. Afterwards, pundits, other candidates, and news outlets hailed her as the uncontested winner.

It seems the Republicans also fell in love. Going into the debate, Fiorina was known by less than half of the Republican voters. Now? It is hard to find a person who won’t admit she is THE underdog for 2016.

It honestly should not come as a surprise to any of us. Fiorina has a strong resume as a leader, and that showed in the debate. She was poised, on topic and not fazed. Everything a CEO needs to be. In addition to this, she has dealt with international trade, and as she mentioned, knows world leaders better than many of her fellow candidates. Finally, as the lone woman on the Republican stage, she already was going to stand out.

This all should make us ask two questions:

1. Will Fiorina have a shot at the nomination?

I don't think so. She has a strong resume, but it is as a CEO. Any candidate’s resume should include statistics about jobs created, taxes cut, money saved, etc. As someone who has never been elected to office, she lacks the ability to point to a political record. She lacks “experience.” She has no followers who have loved her since her first run for office. She has no “brand,” which is crucial for a presidential race.

2. If not the nomination, then what?

It means that she may have to set her sights lower: the Vice Presidency. At this point in the race, any frontrunner would be a fool not to want Fiorina. If she continues to perform, she will prove her intelligence, diplomacy and likability. So, to Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and all the other Republican males, I say: “Take notice of Carly Fiorina; she could be your ticket to the White House.”

At a time where many Americans are fed up with the “status quo,” the rise of candidates such as Dr. Ben Carson, celebrity Donald Trump, and businesswoman Carly Fiorina are all signs to the future nominee that he should consider adding a government outsider to his ticket. Carly Fiorina is the best option.

I will not dignify Trump with consideration. Just YouTube “Racist Donald Trump” or “Sexist Donald Trump” and it becomes clear why. Dr. Carson, on the other hand, performed well the last half of Thursday night's debate. He showed he is capable of talking about the economy and domestic issues. He also brings the diversity aspect. However, he dodged questions on foreign policy by giving vague answers that showed no depth or comprehension of the complicated world that is full of adversaries in the Middle East and frenemies such as Russia and China.

However, Carly Fiorina answered the same types of questions with authority. Unlike previous Vice Presidential candidates (Sarah Palin comes to mind), she will not be saying she can see Russia from her house.

She also spoke on the economy just as well, if not better, than Carson. She does not bring the racial diversity that Dr. Carson would, but she is a woman. With Hillary Clinton being the most likely Democratic nominee, having a woman on the Republican ticket would help the Republican Party’s image as Clinton attempts to say they have declared a “war on women.”

Fiorina could negate that with the same clarity and intellect that she exhibited on Thursday. When asked about Clinton, she called her a liar, gave specific instances, and did it all while remaining classy, professional, and likable (unless, of course, you like Hillary and choose to ignore the debacle that is her email account and Benghazi). Her success as a businesswoman would also provide credibility to the ticket’s economic plan.

To the frontrunner, whoever that may be as Iowa, Super Tuesday, and the convention roll around, consider Carly Fiorina as your Vice President. 2016 will not be an easy year for Republicans to take the White House, and having Fiorina on your ticket might prove to be the best campaign strategy. If you do, I promise, you will have my vote.

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