In a previous article I've written, I wrote about how I came to only listen to Christian music and how it's impacted the way I live and view the world around me. Most of the time I listen to Christian radio, I listen to the songs, but I don't necessarily pay very close attention to the lyrics. I may be listening and singing along, but I don't really take the time to listen to what the artist is singing about and the context behind the song. That was until I really listened to "Thy Will" by Hillary Scott and family.
Like I already said, I don't necessarily pay attention to the words of songs played on the radio, but when a reflection on "Thy Will" popped up on my Facebook news feed, I knew I needed to read it. In the reflection, which I can't seem to find again, Hillary talked about what inspired the writing of the song, how when she suffered a miscarriage, she had to rely completely on God.
Since coming to a Catholic college, I've tried giving everything in my life up for God, especially because I know that any of my struggles, God will take care of. But it wasn't until I read this reflection and watch the lyric video that I really focused on what she was singing about.
The song starts out "I'm so confused/I know I heard you loud and clear/So, I followed through/Somehow I ended up here". When I heard this, I started to cry because I knew I needed to give up my entire life to God, but had been struggling to this point. As the song went on and got to the chorus, she sings "Thy will be done/Thy will be done/Thy will be done/Like a child on my knees all that comes to me is", at which point I had to cry out to God now.
This song really resonates with me because we all go through hardships, but being able to fully rely on God and be faithful to His plan for our lives, takes courage, patience, and perserverance.
Now whenever something comes up or I become confused about God's plan for my future, especailly after He threw me a curveball for my post-grad/career plans, I just repeat over and over "Thy will be done" because I knwo that God's plans for me are greater than what I could imagine. I have to trust Him in His plan and make sure that I am following it to the best of my ability, even though it may not be 100% crystal clear to me right now (which it isn't).