Hey, friends! I know I've been a little M.I.A. here for several months, but no worries: I'm still breathing, still drinking copious amounts of coffee and still eating Chick-Fil-A as if it were going extinct.
Lots of things have changed since I last wrote a post, but all is well. Not only have I transferred to the community college back at home, but also I have changed my major. At first, I was a little worried about all of the changes, but I just knew that's what I needed to do. Sometimes, we don't know exactly why things happen the way they do; we just have to trust that God's plans are far greater than ours.
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I can remember during this time of uncertainty a feeling of not being at peace. I was torn. I loved the friends that I had made at school, but, like I said, I just had a feeling that's not where God was calling me to be. So, I prayed. I prayed for God's will to be made clear for my life.
"Lord, wherever You want me to be, I will go. Thy will be done, and help me to accept Thy will. Just do your will and don't let me get in the way."
After I said this prayer, I cannot tell you the amount of peace I had. I all of a sudden felt as though a weight had been lifted off of my weary shoulders...a weight that could only be lifted by our Mighty and Powerful Savior.
I say all of this not to simply give ya'll a life update, but to share with ya'll a very important lesson I have learned, and that is to pray for God's will to be done, as well as acceptance of His will. For so long, I thought that I knew what I wanted to do with my life. Ever since I could talk, I wanted to be a teacher. I love kids, so I thought Elementary Education was the best fit for me. I thought that was all I could do. I never really gave any other vocation a second thought. When the time came for me to transfer from the community college to a university, I chose the one that was closest to home--no other options. And you see, folks, here's where I ran into a slight problem: I was settling for something less than what God was calling me to do. I was not accepting His will for my life. Like most people, I was focused on what I wanted to do, without even considering what the Maker of the Universe wanted me to do. Once I really and truly started praying for God's will and acceptance of His will is when I found His plan for my life. I prayed that He would allow me to be in a place where I could be used by Him and for His glory. I prayed that He would show me which career path to go in so that He could be seen. And as usual, He was faithful to answer my prayers. He opened up my eyes to something that was right in front of me the whole time; I was just too tunnel-visioned to notice. You see, I love writing. It is a therapeutic way for me to express my emotions. A piece of paper and a pencil are my outlet. I love writing about how great our God is and what He can do in each of our lives. So many times in our lives we always focus on the negative things that are happening, and I love to find the hope that is still in this world. I never thought I could be a journalist or an English major because, like I said, I thought all I could do was teach.
Thankfully, God had a different plan for my life. And if you find yourself unhappy or not at peace, I encourage you to pray for His will. I found that when I put my faith and trust in God, ANYTHING is possible. If you want to be a doctor, you can. If you want to teach, teach. If you want to write, write. Whatever you do, make sure He receives all the glory.
We all want to know the answers to all of life's questions; but the truth is, we can't know them all. Only God knows all the answers. Amidst all of the ever-changing things in this world, The Lord has remained constant. He is still in control, and He knows what He is doing. After all, He has been doing this whole "in control" thing for quite some time now.