All that I have pretty much ever known about the presidency and the role of the executive government has come from watching President Barrack Obama for the last eight years. Obama first became elected when I was merely in elementary school, and he has been a part of my life up until now, as I become ready to begin my second semester of college. There are no words that can explain the profound gratitude and admiration I have for what I am sure has been one of, if not the best, presidents of our time. Although many people like to blame President Obama, (i.e. Thanks, Obama), I cannot fathom why he gets such a bad reputation. He has shown nothing but goodness and fairness, and his ability to reach so many people and be able to empathize through his outreach campaigns has only further proven how much of a good leader he is.
President Obama's campaign centered around the promise of "Hope," and although this past Presidential election has had me feeling at a loss for hope, Obama has always been able to comfort me in the fact that there are still real people in positions of power. I am not here to completely ignore the fact that President Obama, like all human beings, has made mistakes. However, I am here to justify the fact that the positive changes emerging from his presidency completely outweigh the negatives. President Obama has not only completely rejuvenated the economic climate within the United States, but he is also responsible for the creation of millions of jobs and opportunities.
Perhaps my favorite part of Obama's legacy is the way that he was able to utilize his position of power in a fair and equal way. Obama brought national attention to causes such as Black Lives Matter Movement, Dakota Access Pipeline, and he recently signed a bill to protect Planned Parenthood. And, you can't talk about Obama without singing the praises of his immensely talented and intelligent wife, First Lady Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama has completely revolutionized what being a "First Lady" means by using her office to promote feminism and equal education and even bringing attention to matters of race and ethnic inequality. All in all, I cannot bear to say goodbye to some of the most important role models in my life, but I hope that they will still have active voices in this upcoming shifting political movement. So, thanks for these incredible eight years, encompassed by magic and hope, that have ultimately shaped who I am today.