4. "September," Earth, Wind, and Fire | The Odyssey Online
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10 Throwback Songs For You To Jam To During Spring Break 2019

Every spring break needs a killer playlist, and these songs from the previous century are worth listening to if you haven't already.


Spring break is upon us and whatever you have planned, you need a proper playlist for the week. The right songs can make any experience unforgettable. So, if you are taking a road trip, flying out of the country, or simply taking a drive with friends, here's 10 throwback songs to add to your playlist.

1. "Bohemian Rhapsody," Queen

If "Bohemian Rhapsody" is not already on an existing playlist of yours, you are doing something wrong with your music. We all know this is a perfect song for a drive, so why not add it for Spring Break 2019? A new generation of Queen fans was introduced to the Queen hit when "Bohemian Rhapsody" came out in 2018. Rami Malek even won an Oscar for his performance as Freddie Mercury.

2. "Mr. Blue Sky," ELO

"Mr. Blue Sky" is a perfect late 70s hit for 2019. After a brutal winter in January and February, spring break might be the first time you get some warm weather wherever you're going. "Mr. Blue Sk"y fits right in with this theme and will set the tone for your plans. It is a fun song and it will lift your spirits during the break.

3. "Sweet Caroline," Neil Diamond

"Sweet Caroline" is now synonymous with sporting events, especially at Fenway Park. The Neil Diamond hit is also perfectly suited for car rides, plane rides, or an old fashioned hangout with friends. We all know the chorus when we hear it, so it shouldn't be a problem adding this one to a playlist.

4. "September," Earth, Wind, and Fire

"September" can put almost anyone in a good mood. It is hard not to sing or dance to this tune when you hear it. Earth, Wind, and Fire knew what they were doing when they made this 70s classic.

5. "Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley

It's hard to talk throwback songs without mentioning the King of Rock and Roll. "Jailhouse Rock" became a hit as soon as Elvis got his hands on it. The song has been performed numerous times by other artists including the Beatles, Queen, and the Blues Brothers.

6. "Everybody Needs Somebody," The Blues Brothers

Speaking of the Blues Brothers, their hit movie of the same name in 1980 has become a comedy classic. It was hilarious, musical, and all around outstanding. It remains a Chicago icon. The soundtrack is still incredible all these years later. "Everybody Needs Somebody" is performed towards the end when the band raises money to save their childhood orphanage. So, if you and your friends are on a mission from God, be sure to play "Everybody Needs Somebody."

7. "Lake Shore Drive," Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah

"Lake Shore Drive" is perfect for Illinois residents. If you and your friends plan a day in the Second City, be sure to turn this song on. The song is performed by Chicago based band Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah. Driving to downtown Chicago is such a great experience and Lake Shore Drive will only add to the atmosphere.

8. "The Rubberband Man," The Spinners

The Rubberband Man hit the scene in 1976. Over 40 years later, the hit was featured in the Marvel Studios film "Avengers: Infinity War." The nearly 8-minute song is super catchy and will be stuck in your head for quite some time. It is a great song for a drive or a long flight.

9. "Livin on a Prayer," Bon Jovi

Who doesn't love Bon Jovi? "Livin' on a Prayer" is a fan favorite of the rock band. It's a song you will want to hear over and over again. You won't regret adding this tune to your playlist this break.

10. "The Heart of Rock and Roll," Huey Lewis and the News

"The Heart of Rock and Roll" is a tremendous song by Huey Lewis and the News. If you read the lyrics, the song mentions several major cities in the U.S. So, if your plan a road trip, or a flight across state lines, this is the perfect song for your trip.

Give these songs a chance this spring break. That week off is the time to relax, hang with friends, and listen to some great music. It is always great to listen to music from another time and these songs span several decades of excellent music. Each one brings something new and different to the table that will satisfy your ears throughout spring break.

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