I'm on my computer writing an essay, and I have my iTunes library which I haven't updated since sixth grade playing in the background. All of a sudden, I hear a song from eighth grade, and I flashback to my first dance where I slow danced with that guy with glasses and we had at least a foot in between us. While the memory may not be the fondest, those throwback songs will always have a special place in my heart. They bring back memories and moments in a way very few senses can. So as I create a whole new Spotify dedicated to the golden years of my elementary and middle-school life, here are a few of my personal favorite that I would love to hear on the radio again:
"Say My Name" by Destiny's Child
Come on, this song needs to come back on the radio. It is legendary and ageless, and we need to educate the next generation of Beyoncé's past. We also need to petition for a Destiny's Child reunion tour. Please...
"Hot in Here" by Nelly
If your parents were like mine, you could only listen to this song at your friends' houses. But this was song was and always will be a staple for the AUX cord
"Complicated" by Avril Lavigne
The amount of angst a seven year old could have with this song is unbelievable. And Avril Lavigne was my muse for rejecting all "preppy clothes" and hoping to one day meet my very own...
"Sk8er Boi" by Avril Lavigne
This. Was. My. Jam. I thought I was so punk and I immediately went to Hot Topic to replicate the exact outfit she was wearing in the music vide.
"Since U Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson
This was the song you played in your room and danced around like a maniac too. And you always listened to this song when you broke up with your boyfriend of three days on Myspace and just needed someone like Kelly to know what you were going through
"Beautiful Soul" by Jesse McCartney
If Jesse McCartney wasn't your first crush you're lying. Those blonde tips could make any eighth grader swoon, and you know you bought all of the J-14 magazines with his picture on the cover so you could cut it out and paste it on your way (nope, just me?)
"One, Two Step" by Ciara
Automatic, supersonic, hypnotic, funky fresh
"Temperature" by Sean Paul
You may not have been able to sing along, but this was the best song
"Fergalicious" by Fergie
Fer-ga-li-cious def-i-ni-tion make them boys go loco
"Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" by Fall Out Boy
Throwback to when Kim Kardashian was an irrelevant extra in a music video
And lastly, one of the greatest jams of them all...
"Beautiful Girls" by Sean Kingston
There has never been a jam in my life as amazing as this one
Happy listening!