With Halloween being right around the corner, I'm sure you're seeing the countless costume choices in ads and on the shelves. Whether you participate in Halloween or not, it's fun to see the costumes that people creatively choose and create. No matter what age you are in, I am sure you have memories about receiving candy, trick-or-treating, and all the costumes. To all the 90’s kids out there, I’m sure you have seen these costumes (if not worn several):
1. Princess or Fairy
Recommended for you
I certainly have been a princess/fairy in my toddler years. I wore the wings and sparkly dress. It is a classic.
2. Teletubbies
If you're not familiar with the characters Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa and Po, this google description may give you some insight: "[They] frolic and play in the idyllic Teletubbyland, while a baby's face in a sun coos and laughs. The Teletubbies have televisions in their stomachs on which they watch real children." How much better can it get than that?
Then we have original Disney princesses, of which everyone has their favorite:
3. Pocahontas
I never rocked this outfit, but my sister certainly did! It is a fun one.
4. Jasmine
This is probably one of the most comfortable costumes out there.
5. Belle
*This is a personal favorite in my sphere of influence.
6. Snow White
Fun fact: my dad handmade a Snow White costume for me when I was in elementary school. I didn't know he could do that ... I don't know if he knew either because my costume was falling apart by the end of the school day. It's the thought that counts! Now I have a funny memory and we saved some money!
7. Power Rangers
They were pretty legit back in the day. How many of you wish you could've worn one of these?
And for the boys/girls who didn't want to be princesses:
8. Batman/Spiderman/Superman
You have to admit these are great.9. Michael Myers
I hated seeing these costumes around because they are so freaky, but they were quite popular.10. Scream (mask with & without blood; glow in the dark)
The the Scream movies came out, and many people had these masks during Halloween. I get the goosebumps looking at this. (Can you tell I don't like scary movies?)11. Where’s Waldo?
Found them!
12. Xenon ("Xenon: Girl of the 21st Century")
Modest, futuristic, fashionable... what more could you ask for?
13. "Saved by the Bell" Characters
This was a little bit earlier in the 90's, but there were many re-runs on TV after the show was off air.
14. The Adams Family
Cooky, mysterious, and spooky...
15. The Rugrats
The shoelaces are even untied!
16. Edward Scissorhands
This seems uncomfortable.
18. The Powerpuff Girls
Sugar, spice and everything nice!
19. "Toy Story" Characters
You can't go wrong with this movie.
20. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
So, I hope this brought back memories of your childhood or gave you some insight on another generation. As we look at the costumes today, there are different princesses, heroes and scary movie characters based on the movies produced for this new generation ("Frozen," "Brave," "Kung Fu Panda," etc.). I'm sure we'll see more changes as the media influences our ideas and creativity.