“[…] though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4
When I think of the horrors James Foley endured, I think of this verse. I think about the faith one person must have to willingly walk into one of the most dangerous places on the planet only to bring out some good. I think about the compassion, the bravery, and the selflessness one person must have. Psalm 23 is one of the most well known exerts from the Bible, talking about trust in God along with finding comfort in the unknown. David, fearing for his life, wrote this passage while in hiding from King Saul. Here was a man, who knew he could be murdered, writing about trusting God. David trusted God through “the valley of the shadow of death,” which is something I think many of us couldn’t say. Despite the uncertainty of his life, David was unafraid and calm. Through faith, he survived. Through faith, he lived.
I often think about James while in captivity and how he managed to stay so faithful. I also think about the moments where he might not have. I think about the many possible prayers he had, asking God for strength, guidance, and freedom. I think about the conversations James must have had with the over captives, and if they spoke about their faith. Here this man was, in the valley of the shadow of death, where there is no light, seemingly no hope, and his faith was still present. Gods’ omnipresence is a wonder, one that comforts.
In a time of crisis, confusion, doubt, and defeat, James remained as an example for us spiritually. Fear can overcome us, making us blind and afraid. Although I am certain James was terrified, I am also certain he trusted God. I know this article is more spiritual than others, but whether you’re religious or not I think there is a lesson to be learned from this. I think we all need to have faith in ourselves, our strength, and those around us. We are faced with darkness and trials everyday, and even though they may not be like James’, we still have to find the will the keep going. To keep believing. Without it, we are lost souls looking for guidance in all the wrong places.