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10 Psychological Thrillers That Will Have You Sleeping With Your Nightlight On

Your fear of the dark is getting ready to return with a vengeance.

10 Psychological Thrillers That Will Have You Sleeping With Your Nightlight On

Searching to sink your teeth into some seriously unsettling psychological thrillers in celebration of the spooky season being upon us? Well, you're in for a real treat with this list of movies and TV shows to binge to your heart's content!

1. "The Haunting Of Hill House"


If you're looking to dive into a twisted thriller that will have you checking under your bed and looking over your shoulder with that all too satisfying fear-based paranoia, then The Haunting of Hill House will do just the trick. Packed full of creepy delights, this slow burner Netflix original show has an emphasis on character development and strings along unbearable suspense. It's a ride you won't want to miss!

2. "Se7en"


This movie is written by Andrew Kevin Walker, the same writer of Sleepy Hollow and Panic Room. With an all-star cast of Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, and Kevin Spacey there's no doubt it's got all the makings of an on the edge of your seat thriller. It stays focused on its dark target and eager detectives who never stray from the crescendo of building twists unfolding. It'll chill you to the bone time and time again.

3. "Get Out"


This movie proves to be much deeper than what meets the surface and takes the thriller genre to a new level. Writer/director Jordan Peele constructs a gripping narrative that tells the terrifying story of a man, played by Daniel Kaluuya, visiting his girlfriend's family for the first time when things start to go awry. A cunning plot, writing that never misses a beat, and a gripping performance make for a convincing living nightmare.

4. "Gerald's Game"


Based on the novel from the mind of Stephen King, comes a movie that is consistently petrifying as Carla Gugino portrays a woman battling for her life with all the odds stacked against her in a remote cabin away from anyone who could hear her screams for help. A brilliant combination of desperation and chaos creates a teeth-biting psychological thriller that will haunt you far after you've turned the lights off.

5. "Shutter Island"


This well crafted cinematic film follows a remarkable performance by Leonardo DiCaprio, investigator Teddy Daniels who's trying to solve the mysterious disappearance of a murderer from an insane asylum in 1954. With unpredictable turns that will leave you dizzy, this movie never stops spinning as soon as it starts. The visuals are intensely frightening and offer a challenge for viewers who like puzzles.

6. "The Fall"


In case you're looking for a lengthier commitment, this original series will keep you on your tiptoes as a cat-and-mouse game ensues between Jamie Dornan, who plays a seemingly-normal person with sinister secrets and Gillian Anderson, who acts as a fearless detective hot on the case. The tension is tighter than a loaded gun throughout all 17 episodes of this all too real show.

7. "Memento"


Go on an unforgettable journey into the mind of a man who can't remember his short-term memories and is trying to catch the killer responsible for his wife's death, This movie revolves around inceptions, mind-bending parallels, and a unique plot line that is determined to keep you guessing every step of the way. Guy Pierce, who plays main character, Leonard, is sure to find his way into your hear and leave you awake at night pondering the inner workings of his tragic story.

8. "Black Mirror"


A series of anthology episodes that pushes the boundaries of utterly disturbing and contemplates what the near future might look like with thrill-worthy stories. Exploring the darker aspects of what humanity is capable of and providing a distinctly fearsome outlook of technology as we know it. Sometimes monsters aren't the scariest things lurking in the shadows.

9. "A Quiet Place"


Buckle up for a nerve-wracking ride as you enter a roller coaster world where making any noise could result in an untimely, painful demise. With a cast featuring John Krasinski and Emily Blunt, who are ready to survive whatever horrifying creatures sneak in the night and deliver a memorable performance sure to set goosebumps down your spine. Try not to jump out of your skin as the nearly silent movie develops and plays your emotions like a fiddle as the hunt begins.

10. "The X-Files"


Searching for an eerie series that invokes nostalgia? Look no further for The X-Files has all that and plenty of spooky references speckled throughout the 11 seasons. Follow FBI agents Mulder and Scully as they search for the truth behind government conspiracies and unexplainable phenomena while watching their complex stories unravel along the way. This show is considered a cult classic and even came back after 14 years of being off the air proving it stands the test of time.

If you've made it through this list and still aren't breaking out your nightlight then color me impressed! There's nothing more rewarding than finding the perfect psychological thriller to scratch that scary itch especially in October when the ghouls come out to play. Hope this list brings you lots of satisfying jaw-clenching as you make your way through the blood-curdling shows and movies!

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