I am a hopeless romantic. Always have been, always will be. And to me, nothing is more romantic than the magical words: I love you. They hold so much depth, so much meaning and so much promise. The thing is, these words aren't always needed to express how one is feeling. Maybe you're in a new relationship and haven't reached a point of openly discussing the "L" word. Maybe you're an older couple and those words are just understood and don't need to be reassured. Either way, there are many other ways to convey the same message and, being the hopeless romantic that I am, I must admit that they hold just as much depth, meaning and promise as those three words and eight letters.
1. "Tell me about your day."
Translates to: I am curious about your life and I am eager to listen.
2. "I got you coffee."
Medium iced, mocha-caramel swirl, cream and sugar, sugar melted. Please and thank you.
3. "This made me think of you."
A picture, a video clip, a quote; just wanted to remind you that you're important to me. I hope you think it's "fetch."
4. "Listen to this song."
More like listen to all the words I want to say to you, but Taylor Swift did it better.
5. "You're beautiful."
Building up self-confidence is never a bad idea.
6. "I believe in you. You can do this."
I got your back. Don't doubt yourself.
7. "It's going to be OK. You'll be OK."
For those moments when you feel like your world is falling apart.
8. Forehead kisses.
The most perfect, innocent, and pure sign of love in the whole wide universe.
9. Surprises of any kind.
Don't forget, food is always a good idea.
10. Random hugs.
Aw, come here.
11. Flowers are literally $4.
And they're just so pretty.
12. Ice cream is a no-brainer.
Speaking of food...
13. And nothing beats simply spending time together.
No excuses. If you're important to them then they'll make time to see you. Let the memories begin.